Hide N Seek (2)

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They both grab the mans phone and flash light and break them into pieces as they both start walking to find them. the man tries to go to another exit but it was chained lock so he runs to another exit but it was also chained shut.

"FUCK..!" Says The man,

The man hears their footsteps behind him he starts to run into a random classroom and hides in a closet covering his mouth. one of the killers went into the room where the man was hiding he knocks over all the desks over to see if the man was hiding there. the killer slowly looks at the closet and slowly walks to the closer. the man start to panic as he tries to not breath hard and covers his eyes. the killer slowly grabs the handle and slowly starts to open but then Mrs. Mendoza hits the killer with a hard book causing him to knock out and fall to the floor.

"Are you Ok?" Says Mrs. Mendoza,

"Yea im good what is going on here..?" Says the Man,

"I don't know what is going on but we have to get out of here." Says Mrs. Mendoza,

"Whats your name Sir?" Says Mrs. Mendoza,

"Oh My name is Johnathan" He says,

"Johnathan are you doing here" Says Mrs. Mendoza,

"I came to see what was wrong because i heard screaming" Says Johnathan,

"Well Johnathan me and you are gonna get out of here come on there an exit they may not know where its at but we gotta be quick" Says Mrs. Mendoza,

They both start walking quietly around the school trying to find their way out while trying to avoid the killers. Not long after they left the classroom the one on the ground got up and started running around filled with rage.

-Back At Danelia House-

The movie ended as christina and claire and Andrew get and getting ready to go home they all say goodbye to Danelia and leave the house as Andrew spilts from Christina and Claire and walks home. Christina and Claire continue to walk as they talk more till Mrs. Mendoza Husband drives up to them and gets out the car and stops Christina and Claire to ask them a question.

"Hey guys have seen my wife Mrs. Mendoza? she hasn't came home yet its been 3 hours since the last text i got from her" Says Mr. Mendoza,

"No we haven't seen her at all not since we left the school to the cafe although she did say she was gonna stay after school to grade some tests so maybe check at the school" Says Claire,

"Alright Thanks you i will thanks for letting me know!' Says Mr. Mendoza as he goes back to his car and drives off,

Claire and Christina look at hime drive away and look at eachother. They both shrug it off and continue to walk home till christina gets a call from a unknown number. Christina pulls out her phone and answers it.

"Hello?" Says Christina,

"Hello there i was just wondering do you have something that giving you trouble like something that happened or something~?, Says the caller

"Who is this?" Says Christina as she stops walking and Claire looks at her,

"That is not important" Says the Caller,

"Im not answering your stupud question goodbye" Says Christina and she is about to hang up the phone,


"Christina whats going on..?" Says Claire,

"MAN FUCK YOU!" says Christina and she hangs up the phone,

"Christina are you ok what happened?" Says Claire in a worried voice

"Oh nothing just some random internent troll who doesn't have a life" Says Christina as she continues to walk,

Claire catches up to Christina and they continue to walk home.

Tragedy: First bloodWhere stories live. Discover now