Chapter 22

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I had woken up in your bed, alone.
Slowly the night before was coming back. Paralyzed on the ground, completely freaking out, the noise. Though what scared me the most was how I reacted when you came back.
When I had asked you to not leave me I had meant it. Even though my sentence was cut short that first time, I didn't like you being gone.
Was that just because I was trapped?
It had to be. That was the only logical explanation. Right?
You had stayed with me, coaching me to breathe, gently massaging my limbs bringing them back to life.
The worried look on your face.
You cared for me.
That's why I was here.
Maybe that wasn't fully true when you first grabbed me, but now, I could see it.
You did have feelings for me.
Light poured in from the window.
Pushing the covers aside, soles of my feet pressing flat against the carpet sinking in.
Those last words.
Did you mean them, had I made them up?
No, you said them clear as day.
Would you take back your promise?
Were they just words in the moment?
I sure hope they weren't. I never wanted to go back down there.
Cocking my head, listening for any noise.
Where were you?
Eyeing the dresser, curious.
Going over opening the top drawer. Socks and boxers, shutting that one and moving to the next.
Jeans of all different blues, some had holes on them others had paint splotches. Your work pants, where did you keep all your tools and supplies? Was there another room here that I missed? Maybe a garage that wasn't connected?
Sliding that drawer closed bending down to the last one.
Empty or at least that's what it looked like until I opened it fully to make sure.
There they were. My clothes, the ones I had been wearing that day. Clean and folded at the back of the drawer. I was wondering what happened to them, along with my converse on the side.
Was my phone stuffed in there too?
About to check when I heard footsteps coming down the hall, hurriedly closing the drawer as I sat down on the corner of the bed.
Knob turning, door popping open.
"Hey, you're up." Smile on your face. "Are you feeling better? I brought you some food if you are hungry."
"I am thank you." Taking the sandwich and chips. "You're not eating?"
"I ate earlier. Didn't want to wake you."
Taking a bite feeling my pulse slow down. Keeping myself from looking at the dresser, also telling myself that it would be stupid to keep my phone. You probably tossed it with my backpack.
"Do you want to talk about last night?"
"What?" Putting my chip back on the plate.
"If you don't, that's fine." Rushing out the words. "I just want to make sure you're ok."
"I wasn't. Last night, it wasn't, I couldn't."
"Hey." Hand running over mine, opening my hand letting me see the nail marks biting into my skin, unaware that I was even doing that. "You're here now."
"Did you mean what you said? That you wouldn't leave me down there anymore, I don't, I can't go back down there. Please!"
Hands on my face, stilling my shaking head. Grabbing hold of your wrists, crying into your palms letting your touch calm me.
"Open your eyes."
Blinking the water away, clearing my vision as I laid my sight onto your serious set face.
"I meant it. You don't have to go down there ever again. I promised. Well set up the other bedroom for you, you can decorate it however you want. Well go over plans for the furniture you'll need and I'll build them."
Plans, you liked those didn't you. Liked knowing what was going to happen, liked being in control. So how exactly were you planning to keep me in the house while you were gone?
"Come on, there's a surprise for you in the living room. Though you'll have to keep your eyes closed until I say."
Closing my eyes as I let you guide me from the room, stopping as you closed the door, feeling your hand rest over my eyes.
"No peeking."
"I'm not." Wondering what the surprise could be. Going over everything in my head considering the options, or if I was actually going to like it.
"Alright open."
Moving your hand away as I opened my eyes fully, confused for a moment by the sight.
Eggs, all different colors everywhere across the room. Not even close to what I had been guessing.
"What." I began to ask.
"We missed Easter and I figured later was better than never. So happy Easter."
An Easter egg hunt, I hadn't done that since I was eight years old. The excitement I always had when my parents finally let me loose in the backyard to find all the hidden treasures so ready to find out what was in each one. Usually by the time I had collected all the eggs more than half of the candy had already been eaten. Smiling at the memory.
"Well go on, I will say there is one very special egg that's hidden quite well."
"What's in it?"
"Well you'll just have to find it to figure that out now wont you." Smile in your voice as I leaned down to pick up the egg right at my feet. Popping open the blue plastic to reveal a tootsie roll.
Chuckling at the sight, such a childish thing, yet I was filled with the same motivation I had when I was younger. To find every egg and not stop until I knew what was in every one.
Taking another step to pick up a yellow egg, breaking it in half to find a hershey's kiss. Tossing the opened egg aside as I walked over to the couch grabbing one off the cushion shaking the egg to guess what was inside but it made no noise and it felt too light to have anything inside.
"I think you missed one." Turning around to you holding the egg in my open palm.
"Open it."
So I did, only to prove that there was nothing inside to be surprised with a piece of paper. Unfolding the small torn sketch book page only to see one word.
"What is this?"
"Keep on going, there's plenty more to open." You said with a smirk as I continued to open each egg.
More candy piling up, laughy taffy's, chocolate, jelly beans. Until I picked up another that felt like it had nothing inside. This time the paper had a different word.
Confused, looking back up at you only to see you shrug your shoulders and smile, a mischievous look in your eyes. You knew something I didn't.
Searching around. There were no more eggs on the floor so I had to look harder bending down under the couch and table finding two more words.
Snickering to myself, these words didn't make any sense. Unwrapping a rolo and plopping it onto my mouth as I shoved my hand between the couch cushions pulling out more eggs that only held candy.
No more eggs in or on the couch, standing up scanning my surroundings seeing where else the eggs could be hiding. Moving over to the shelf scooching the books aside, I found a green plastic egg tucked away in the corner.
Shaking it, feeling no weight.
Wait a minute.
Taking all the words out of the palm of my hand, placing them on the shelf side by side.
Taking a moment to glance over each one before I rearranged them.
The egg is in my.
This was a clue to the mystery golden egg you had told me about and I was just one word away from figuring out where you had put it.
The candy pile in the middle of the floor had grown all the open eggs sitting next to the treats.
Looking behind the tv, on each shelf.
Where else could I look?
The couch was clean, so was the table, and there was nothing on the shelf. The kitchen maybe?
Moving past you, being rewarded by finding one in front of the fridge racing to snatch it up.
Smarties, keeping hold of them as I went to the next one I spotted on the counter next to the sink. More candy. Come on, where was that last word?
Finding a couple more, adding to my candy pile. Heading back to the kitchen circling in place, eyes peeled but seeing nothing.
Wanting to ask you for a hint but I kept searching, the egg had to be in here so where. Would you have stuck it in the fridge or in a drawer?
Opening each one, chill air brushing against me as I searched through the fridge.
Where was that last egg? 
Looking straight ahead, as I thought to myself. Catching a bit of color up high on the wall.
There you are.
Walking forward, having to jump to free the yellow egg taped to the wall. Opening it quickly to finish the clue.
The egg is in my pocket.
Turning over to look at you watching as you laughed at me and I laughed right along with you. I should have guessed that the final egg would be on you.
Stepping forward to claim my price.
Heartbeat racing.
Excitement building.
What could it be?
Watching as you pulled a gold egg out of your pocket holding it up like the prize that it was.
All this searching for this egg.
Was the prize actually in it or was it another clue to lead me to the actual prize?
Wrapping my fingers around the odd shape pulling it closer.
This one definitely had weight though it wasn't heavy like candy. Hearing something rustle around as I shook the shell gently.
Curiosity took over as I cracked the egg apart.
Losing my breath as I saw the shining jewels.
This couldn't be real.
No way.
It was too much.
So beautiful.
Couldn't help but to just stand there and stare at the lines as the light caught onto the diamonds.
"I hope you like it. Was walking past a pawn shop and this was in their front window display. The moment I saw it I thought of you."
Gulping. If you got this from a pawn shop then it had to be real. They don't sell fakes.
"This is too much, thank you but I can't."
"Nothing is too much for you. You deserve to have something almost as beautiful as you."
Taking the chain from my hand walking around behind moving my hair aside as you clasped the white gold necklace onto my neck.
Reaching up to feel the familiar shape knowing each star by the placement.
"How much did you spend on this?"
"That is not for you to worry about. So do you like it?" Returning back to my front looking down into my eyes waiting for my answer.
"I love it, thank you." What else was I supposed to say? That was the truth. This was perfect, the Big Dipper hanging at the base of my throat.
Simple and perfect.
Definitely the most expensive thing that I have ever owned.
"I feel bad now that I don't have anything for you."
"You being here is all that I want."
Your hand brushing along my cheek as I settled my head against your skin.
Existing only in this moment.
Not wanting to break away.
Closing my eyes, feeling a light kiss on my forehead.
"My beautiful princess."
Hearing your words not knowing how to respond, still at loss for words over the gift, your gift.
There was no way you knew how much this meant to me.
I had almost told you the story once but then I didn't, more focused on trying to escape. Frustrated that it hadn't worked, so consumed with anger that I hadn't felt like sharing anything.
All you knew was that I called the Big Dipper the skyscraper, and that I have evaded your questions about it since.
Maybe you did know just how much this meant to me, the fact that I've refused to tell you.
You knew what it was like to have secrets, knew how precious some stories were.
'I love you Sarah.'
Loved me enough to not pressure me into telling you things I wasn't ready to say, loved me enough to help me through the times I felt as if I had no control over myself. Though you didn't love me enough to let me go, or you loved me too much to see me leave. Either way I was here, with you, just you.
"What is your name?" The question burst from my mouth as I opened my eyes looking intently into your eyes. Though you hadn't been taken back at all, like I was expecting. In fact you looked even happier as you opened your mouth with your soft and kind eyes.
"My name is Eli."
That name fit you, I liked it.
"Eli." Testing the word out loud, your name.
"Yes Sarah."
"Thank you."
"You're very welcome."
Smiling at each other.
Giddy over the fact that I finally knew your name after so long. Weird how much power I felt after learning your name. Every time you had said mine it had felt like a stab to the chest. Information that you had but weren't supposed to know, now we were even.
Standing here with you, wearing my breathtaking gift, months after I thought that my life was over.
Right now it felt as if I was just beginning.
Like my mom had done with some of her paintings and art, sometimes destroying a piece only to start over again.
The only thing was I liked my life before, the people I held close. Now I had you and this house which was also my prison.
Eli, my kidnapper but also my sweet and caring protector.
A life completely different and unknown to me that I was slowly adapting to, growing part of.
One that I never expected.
One that wasn't my choice.
Filled with emotions that I've never felt, thoughts I never would have had otherwise.
Yet everything I've done since has been my decision, everything I've felt for you has been based on what I know and what you've done.
This was my life.
For now at least.
I had to accept that.
Until I could get away.
"So what are we doing for the rest of the day?"
Innocence sweeping across my tone as the corners of your mouth moved upwards into a smile that made my heart melt.

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