❝ Sick - Hiiro ver. ❞

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3:05 AM

And yet you still hadn't slept a wink. You stared blankly at your phone screen from beneath the blankets, which were neatly laid out upon the floor of the ALKALOID apartment. Your business there, as their producer, was to oversee some arrangements. Unfortunately, before the planning had finished, the sun had vanished from the sky, leaving the moon to watch over instead.
And so, you were made a makeshift mattress using spare blankets. Needless to say, it was the least comfortable you've been in quite awhile. That's not to say you would complain, ALKALOID's kindness truly warmed your heart.

You yawned, proceeding to begin stretching silently beneath the blanket. You froze as the floorboards creaked, followed by heavy footsteps. The steps seemed hesitant, as though even they were surprised by the weight of their steps. You peeked out of the blankets, phone set aside, one brow raised with curiosity. The figure seemed to be leaving the bathroom, yet you hadn't heard a peep from there. You recognized the ALKALOID training uniform, meaning it was one of the members. Were they okay?

Peeling the blankets back, you sat up in your makeshift mattress. Eyes trailing up the person's figure, you met his sapphire gaze. Relaxing as you made eye contact with Hiiro, you slowly hauled yourself to your feet. Even though you were relieved to see him, he certainly didn't look pleasant. His slightly unruly, curly hair of crimson had numerous strays; as expected, he'd been sleeping moments earlier. Though his complexion was shadowed, you could easily see it was pale. His eyes had noticeable bags beneath them, dark circles accompanying them.
You approached the boy, waving your hand a bit to get his attention. As he shook his head, quickly eyeing you with an exhausted smile, you gestured towards the bathroom. It'd be much easier to talk that way.
Hiiro turned on his heels, swaying subtly as he entered the bathroom. You walked in his wake, shutting the door behind yourself. You then flicked the lights on, eyes squinting against it.

"Hey, Hiiro," you whispered. "Are you okay?"
"Hm? Yeah, I'm alright." He reassured you.
"You really don't look good," you told him, a concerned expression on your features. "There's a thermometer in here, I'll just take your temperature."
"Really, you don't have to," he laughed awkwardly. "I'm okay."
It sounded as if he was reassuring himself instead of you. You fell silent for a moment, observing the evidently sweaty idol.

"Hah.. hah.."

He's panting?
You raised an eyebrow, quickly locating the thermometer. "Here, open your mouth." You commanded.
Hiiro slowly opened his jaws, lifting his tongue to allow you to stick the thermometer beneath it. After you stuck the device's metal end into his mouth, he shut his jaws.

Beep! Beep!

"Let's see," you took the thermometer from his mouth. "Aww, Hiiro, you have a pretty high fever."
"Uh, wow," he blinked thrice. "I'll just sleep it off, it'll be okay."
"Wait, please," you took his hand in yours to prevent him from leaving, just in case he tried. "I'll get you water and a rag for your forehead, it'll feel good. Have you been eating normally lately?"
"Yes." Hiiro confidently replied.
"How about sleeping?" You questioned, suspicions inclined.
"..." he averted his sapphire gaze from yours, remaining silent.
"I got the message," you reassured him, a soft smile on your lips. "It's alright, we all can go through it. My mother calls it 'burnout'. You're not sleeping as you should be, and you're exerting too much energy."

"I did this?" He asked in evident sorrow, eyebrows knitting as he hung his head with shame.
"No, it's not your fault," you pat his head. "Go ahead, get back to bed. I'll bring you water and a rag, okay?"
"Okay," Hiiro then smiled a bit. "Uhm, thank you."
You snickered under your breath. "Of course."

A few moments later..

You approached the bottom bunk, where Hiiro had buried himself beneath the blankets. Handing him a capped bottle of water, you watched as he sat upright. Taking the bottle in his hands, he attempted to unscrew the cap. The seal was too strong?
"Help." He whispered.
You nodded your head. "Here." Quickly snapping the seal, you smiled at him.
He briefly smiled back at you before lifting the bottle to his lips, eagerly drinking the fluids. You found yourself relieved that he wasn't reluctant to drink anything, as some sick individuals would be iffy when confronted with water. Once he returned the bottle to you, you capped it, placing it on the floor nearby. You then adjusted his pillow to elevate his head, gesturing for him to lie back.
He obeyed, laying down on his back. You used your hand to brush his crimson hair back, placing the cold rag upon his forehead— which was notably hot to the touch. After ensuring he would be okay, you turned around, ready to head back to your own bed.

A frail force tugged on your sleeve.

Peeking over your shoulder, you knew you'd assumed correctly. The force was Hiiro, glassy eyes of sapphire pleading with you like a begging puppy. Heaving a defeated sigh, you swerved around on your heels. You climbed into the bed beside him, sliding beneath the blankets. His cheeks flushed pink separately from his feverish state. Speaking of feverish, it seems he was on the stage of feeling physically weak, when your skin has a hot, needly feeling persisting everywhere. At the same time, he huddled up beneath the blankets in a chilled manner, shivering subtly.
You extended your arms, willing to hold him. He smiled softly at you, affectionately nuzzling into your chest. He then heaved an uncomfortable sigh, evidently quite ill. Maneuvering yourself onto your back, you pat Hiiro's curly hair as he rested upon your chest.

He's so fucking cute. I will kill anyone who utters a single bad thing about him.
I'm gonna bestow him a little kiss.

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