❝ Feverish Blossom - Kohaku ❞

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                        This contains mild hurt(with comfort) <3

   "Hey, Kohaku, you don't look gr—"

Staggering backwards, pupils dilating, the pink-haired idol gazed at his peers in pure confusion. His entire complexion was colorless, albeit his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He was visibly sweating, his eyelids drooping as he placed a hand to his forehead. HiMERU's expression contorted with concern, shaking his head a bit. "HiMERU will take you home."
"What? No, I don't need that." Argued Kohaku as he stepped away from HiMERU.
Niki's features displayed worry as well, his blue hues eyeing Kohaku. "Hmm, are you sure? You look kind of.. faint-y?"
"Come on, Haku! Lighten up!" Thundered Rinne as he strode towards Kohaku.
"Wait.. I'm fi—"

The boy was interrupted as his eyes rolled back, his entire body caving beneath gravity. HiMERU swiftly caught Kohaku in his arms, heaving a sigh. "HiMERU warned you."
"Kohaku—?!" Yelled the startled Niki.
"So much for fine. Kyahaha!" The laughing Rinne hollered.

                                               At your office..

You had been quickly working on a project for the Knights when your phone vibrated against your desk. Perking your head, you reached for it..


In utter shock, you hoisted yourself abruptly from your chair, snatching your phone along the way. You shoved it into your breast pocket, still wearing a suit for business. Whatever matters you had to attend could wait.

                                            At the infirmary..

Your lungs burned as you burst through the doors, sides heaving in desperation for oxygen. "What happened?!" You demanded breathlessly. Your eyes locked onto an unconscious Kohaku, whom was resting on the infirmary couch. The red-headed Rinne seemed amused by your urgency as he stood with his arm around Niki's waist. HiMERU was standing opposite to Rinne and Niki, arms crossed idly.
"He had a fever spike," replied the composed HiMERU. "He is safe now and has been given medicine for it."
"Good," you smiled at the blue haired idol. "Thank you, HiMERU."
"Of course." Replied he, afterwards stepping aside to give you space.

In that moment, Kohaku shifted upon the couch. With a relieved smile, you gently placed your hand to his forehead. It was burning, that was true. He looked quite terrible, even in his sleep. With a gentle, adorable yawn of awakening; Kohaku's violet hues opened. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Darling..? Hehe, hi," he giggled giddily. "What happened?"
"You passed out, idiot." Said the sharp Rinne.
Niki smacked the redhead instantly with his swift hand. "Shut up, Rinne. How do you feel, Kohaku?"
"Not great," confessed the pink-haired idol. He smiled happily at you once you placed your hand to his cheek. You assumed your hand was cold, thus making him eager to enjoy it.
"HiMERU already spoke to the nurse. She said it was probably a fluke thing from lack of sleep." Said the blue haired idol, his yellow hues locked onto Kohaku.
"Oh, good," Kohaku sat upright, evidently ready to leave. "Sorry to cause y'a—"

You pushed him back down. As he sat back, he eyed you with confusion. "You're still recovering. Please, rest a bit longer."
HiMERU nodded to his peers. "Feel better, Oukawa." Said he as he exited the room.
"Yeah, rest up! And eat soon!" Niki called to Kohaku before following HiMERU.
"Later, Squirt." Rinne teased as he followed at Niki's heels.
You assumed they had things to do.

Locking gazes with Kohaku, you slid your palms onto his face, smooching his forehead. "Wait," pleaded the ill idol. "Please don't leave me." Begged he, his eyes huge with sadness.
Your heart was officially tugged in guilt. Nodding with a gentle smile, you pressed your nose into his cheek. "Alright," you then kissed his jaw. "Do you want me to sit on the other couch?"
"Why so far away?" Asked Kohaku. "Did I make you mad?" He asked in fear.
"Aww, not at all," you quickly seated yourself on the couch cushion beside him. "It's okay, don't worry."
Since you're the taller of the two, he was able to lean his head comfortably on your chest. "Okay," his lower lip pouted a bit as he huffed audibly. "I feel so bad.."
You wrapped your arms around him, sliding out of your shoes. You then shifted on the cushions, allowing for both Kohaku and yourself to lay back. With his hands in fists on your chest, Kohaku rested his head on your chest.

You rubbed his back a bit, your own eyelids growing heavy. Maybe you'd been more exhausted than you initially thought. As for the pink-haired boy in your arms, he was doing something..
He had his hand upon his own forehead, heaving raspy, sickened breaths as he did so. His face had grown redder as he did this. You also noted how he shifted with discomfort quite frequently. "Are you in pain, Darling?"
"Hmm? No— just uncomfortable. Don't worry, Sweetheart." Replied Kohaku.
"Here, is this better?" You shifted him onto your chest more, which allowed for more air to hit him; hopefully cooling him.
He heaved a sigh. "Yeah, a little bit," as he put his head back down, he shuttered. "It's kinda cold now."
You laughed, writhing from your blazer. You struggled to tug it out from beneath yourself, afterwards draping it over Kohaku. He curled up to allow it to cover his body, yawning audibly afterwards. "Are you okay?" You questioned.
"No," confessed Kohaku. "My everything hurts. It's like needles.."

He looked absolutely adorable in this state, with a reddened face from fever and eyelids drooping with drowsiness. However, now something else was there.. his eyes squinted against bitter tears. Your eyebrows knitted; it was unusual for Kohaku to do this. "Shhh, it's okay," you whispered to him, kissing the top of his head. "It's probably from your fever."
"Hmph. I feel horrible." He softly whined. His tears were more like an "i'm uncomfortable" eye-water than a full-blown cry, which made sense; he probably felt so much discomfort.
You frowned at his out-of-character actions, your hand tenderly caressing his hair. "Does anything else hurt?"
"Nah, I should be alright," heaving a sigh, Kohaku nuzzled into your chest. "Shit— did I pull you from work?"
"Work is less important," you reassured him, patting his head. "That really isn't your fault. Rinne was the one who told me."
"I'm sorry," the evidently exhausted Kohaku whispered; his voice brittle and nasally. His nose was quite red, followed by massive eye bags. "I— I shoulda thought about you more."
"You're making it like you chose to pass out," you gently chuckled, smooching the tip of his nose. "I needed the break anyway."
"You and me both," he yawned silently, wrapping his arms around your neck. "Can I sleep on you?"

"Haha, if you're comfortable," you happily replied. In truth, despite your chill demeanor— you were in heaven. Another plane of existence, per say. Having the pink-haired idol resting upon your chest with his violet hues eyeing you lovingly prior to shutting was like a dream come true.


You laughed at his adorable, kitten-like sneeze. "Your sneeze is adorable."
"I'm leavin'."
"No," you coiled your arms tighter around him. "You're stuck with me. Mwahahaha—!"


Kohaku seemed to have thought of something pleasant as he drifted into a much needed slumber.

                                             The next day..

"I did what."
"You pouted a little bit and begged me to stay close to you."
"AGH—! I'm cringin' at myself just hearin' this..!"
"Don't, Kohaku. You're adorable."
"That's.. makin' it worse."

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