❝ Memories Of The Past - Leo ❞

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                              •————— ♬ —————•


                             •————— ♬ —————•Please beware of the following;Self harm

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                             •————— ♬ —————•
Please beware of the following;
Self harm

"Don't worry, dear. I don't mind."

You've always adored Leo, in a sense that you'd fallen in love with him due to it. Soon after, you became his main source of inspiration. It appears his inspiration had not lasted, though. There was a period in his life that both you and he despise reliving. There came a time when he suffered severe burnout. Everyone that he had cared about abandoned him in their wake without even looking back. He had shut himself into his room, refusing to allow anyone else in.
As per his actions, you would not use force. Instead, you gently acclimated him to your presence on the other side of the door. Eventually, he let you in. It was a sight of vulnerability, where he looked so horribly unkempt, your heart sank at the sight. He looked sleep deprived, but not only that, he could barely keep himself on his own two feet.

His fingers were dotted with bandaids, arising the question of why he required such things. Upon asking, he withdrew from you. It seemed as though he'd become afraid.
You understood that. He'd been shunned by everyone, it was only natural for him to be weary of you. With gentleness, and comforting words, he slowly allowed you to stick around in his bedroom. His condition was indeed worsening, but you were willing to take it slowly. He was stable in that moment, and that was all that mattered.

You recall one day, when you were giving him food and water, you accidentally walked in on him biting himself. Fanged teeth embedded in the skin of his forefinger, he was quite literally tearing up his hands. Was it vengeance he craved? Or was he just so mad at himself he couldn't stop it?
Either way, you shut the door behind yourself. You'd expected him to cease the action once he spotted you, but instead, he persisted. With misty eyes, he resumed harming himself. You placed the container of food aside, leaving the bottle of water on the floor beside it. Hunching beside him, you gently grasped his wrist.
"Shh, it's okay," you softly reassured him. "Let go."
Tears threatened to fall from his eyes, yet he persisted. You noticed his jaws clamped down further, even. Leaving him be was probably the last thing he wanted you to do, yet it all seemed a tad hopeless.

Wishing not to see him do this to himself, you slowly slid one of your hands onto his cheek. "You can let go," you told him. "Once you do, you can tell me everything. Don't punish yourself. Take a break, okay?"
He released his skin. "But—"
You closed your hands over his to protect them, a gentle smile on your features. "Thank you," you then nodded your head. "If you want to talk, please do. I know it might feel like you're burdening me, but I promise, you're not. What you're doing right now is so much worse than just talking. I won't leave you."
Evidently panicking, the shaky boy brought you into his embrace, sniveling aloud. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't worry, dear. I don't mind."

Those words mean so much more than what they appear. To Leo, they mean safety. To hear those exact words, in that exact, pillowy tone; it means to accepted at his weakest. As said before, you don't mind. You never did. To be Leo means to bottle up any negative emotions until he can hold it no longer, eventually destroying himself. However, you will always be there to pick up the pieces.

During his healing journey, he would request for you to stay with him. And stay you did. Every night, gently holding his hands in yours, ensuring he slept soundly. You spent nights tenderly holding him as he undid in your arms, unable to contain it anymore. You would apply solutions to his closed wounds to prevent scarring, a pleasant smile on your features. It wasn't about what he'd done in the past, it was about the slow, steady climb back on the path to the future.

As you currently lay in a bed beside him, a healthy, mentally content Leo, you find yourself smiling pridefully. Whatever inspiration he'd find tomorrow, he will spew about to you.

And that was something you could not wait to hear.

You placed a ginger kiss upon his forehead, wrapping your arms around him. Gently petting down the length of his hair, you lulled yourself into slumber; preoccupied with memories of the past.

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