❝ What Have You Done? - Kohaku ❞

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                                            You as a producer were required to put a stop to whatever harm writhes it's way into Ensemble Square. Whatever happens, you must oversee it. If harm may occur, you must atone for the issue with methods you despise seeing to.

"Kohaku," as you spoke, the pink haired boy jerked backwards. He swerved on his heels, smiling upon seeing you. You forced a smile in return, though you were well aware that you'd seen have to shatter whatever ounces of happiness he had left. "May I take you to my office?"
"Uh, yes," he shook his head a bit. "But, if I may ask, why?" He questioned.
You simply turned your back to him, listening to his footsteps as he pursued you at your heels. "I have some news for you." Your tone was dark, wishing not to provide him false hope for a brighter tomorrow.

His world would come crashing down. You'd be forced to do things that would forever destroy his reputation, and for that, you would forever hold yourself guilty. You could never forgive yourself. But more importantly, you could never apologize to him. To him, you would eternally remain the breaker of dreams.

Shutting the door behind himself, Kohaku invited himself into your office as you walled inside. You wished not to be seated, as you had a feeling matters may escalate.
"Kohaku Oukawa," your voice thundered as you lifted a sheet of paper, proceeding to read off of it. "I'll spare you unnecessary details. You are going to be sentenced to banishment. It is a tax that will undo part of the tension coming from Crazy:B. A tax that you must pay."
"Excuse me, repeat that," he commanded, crossing his arms. "You're gonna what?"
"I am demanding you leave any idol companies and pay a sum for your crimes under the leadership of Rinne Amagi." You told him, voice clear as polished crystal. In spite of the welling emotions of sorrow you felt, you managed to maintain a cold exterior; void of all emotion.

"Producer, if you're jokin', I will break your arm. What the hell did you just say?" He questioned, pink brow raised.
"Do I sound like I'm joking?" You returned a question.
He squinted at you. "You promised me that you wouldn't do this," he reminded you, eyebrows furrowing with rage. "You specifically told me that you would forward any sort of punishment to Rinne instead of me. Why would you go back at that?"
"Not every promise you're given will be upheld until the very end," you calmly stated, heart racing with somber. In the end, it truly was for the best. But you couldn't shake the feeling that you were making a grave mistake. "I'm sorry, Kohaku."
"Save it," he shook his head. "If you felt even a goddamn drop of remorse, you'd have done somethin' instead of this. Keep your half ass words to yourself, I don't want to fuckin' hear them." His sharp voice commanded. His face was contorting with fury as he tapped the desk.
"The papers."

"Your expenses," you said as you handed him a sheet of paper. "And then the firing notice. This prevents you from ever getting near Ensemble Square again."
"You fuckin' bastard," he hissed as he threw the papers aside. "Your every promise was a goddamn lie?"
"I— look, Kohaku, work demands for things I don't want to do. My personal life, promises, and whatever is separate. I have to do things that clashes the two." You shot back. Your eyebrows had begun knitting with anger. Who the hell does he think he is? Cursing you out certainly won't get him back on top, that's for shit sure.

Kohaku laughed you off. "Fuckin' piece of shit," he spat, eyeing you with disgust. "So it's just whatever to you? Hah, funny. I should've known."
"Should've known what? You're still a kid, Kohaku. You act so high and mighty, but all you are is a lost, desperate teenager," you reminded him, eyes narrowed with rage as you stared him down. "Cursing me out doesn't make you an adult, or mature for that matter. You're fucking beneath me, act like it."
"Beneath you..? I see. That's all you ever thought our friendship was, didn't you?!" He shouted.
You unconsciously took a step forth to argue with him. "I didn't, but clearly you're just insecure!"
"Take another step and I'll break your fuckin' jaw." He threatened, a vein in his forehead bulging.

You had unconsciously taken another step. You pushed your luck.


Howled Kohaku as he snatched a folder off of your desk, smacking it across your face. Frozen in surprise, you watched as he threw the item to the ground.

"All you fuckers do is break promises, and I hope you burn in the hottest parts of hell for it."

His cold words lingered in the room, reverberating against your skull as the pink haired boy exited the room in a misty eyed sprint. It was true, you'd broken a promise with him; one that meant everything to him.

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