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Name : Leah Euphemia Martin ( nee Potter )

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Name : Leah Euphemia Martin ( nee Potter )

Age : 21

Date of Birth : July 31st , 1980

Family :

Mother - Lily Marie Potter ( nee Evans ) ( deceased )

Father - James Fleamont Potter ( deceased )

Godfather / Uncle - Sirius Orion Black ( deceased ) , Remus John Lupin ( deceased ), Vernon Daniel Dursley ( deceased )

Godmother / Aunt - Alice Dorothea Longbottom ( nee Fortescue ) , Petunia Anne Dursley ( nee Evans ), Andromeda Irma Tonks ( nee Black )

Cousin - Dudley Vernon Dursley 

Husband - Alexander Xavier Martin ( deceased )

Daughter - Joyce Lily Potter Martin

Godson - Edward Remus Lupin

Paternal Grandmother - Euphemia Jane Potter ( nee Braithwaite )( deceased )

Paternal Grandfather - Fleamont Henry Potter ( deceased )

Maternal Grandmother - Marie Anne Evans ( nee Smith ) ( deceased )

Maternal Grandfather - Steven Gabriel  Evans ( deceased )

Friends :

Hermione Granger

Ronald Weasley

Ginny Weasley

Neville Longbottom

Seamus Finnegan 

Dean Thomas

George Weasley

Fred Weasley ( deceased )

Lee Jordan

Patronus : Doe

Animagus : Stag

Hair colour : Black

Eye colour : Hazel

Personality : Kind , resourceful , mischievous , intelligent , funny, protective , pessimistic, short tempered

Likes : Pranking ( but only to those who deserve it ) , transfiguration, charms , reading books , singing , defence against the dark arts

Dislikes : Bullies 

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