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Leah was now a 74 year old woman , her black now white hair was always tied up in a bun, and she had started wearing specks.

Andromeda passed away 10 years ago, with her family by her side

Her death had hit Leah , Teddy and Joyce really hard but now things were slowly starting to get better 

Joyce had completed her training at was the head healer of the department of injuries caused by magical accidents in St.Picquery's organisation.

Joyce fell in love and married a half blood wizard named Ryan Redwood , they both had two daughters , Andromeda Lyra Diane Redwood and  Leah Anna Harriet Redwood.

Andromeda was a curse breaker and Leah became a charms teacher at beauxbatons 

Teddy married Victorie and had three kids Remus Lyle Lupin , Sirius James Lupin and Hope Nymphadora Lupin

Remus and Sirius were already married and Hope was currently training to be a healer 

Leah was happy as she was able to see all her grandchildren accomplished their dreams and see them getting married to the ones they loved

Unfortunately Leah passed away before she could see her great grandkids, she was surrounded by her loved ones before she left the world.


When Leah opened her eyes she noticed one thing she was back in her 21 year old body , she looked around and wondered where she was

" Leah ? " said a familiar voice from behind her , she turned around to see Andromeda, who looked exactly the same age as she was during the war.

" Now would you just stare at me or come and give your auntie a hug? " she said spreading her arms open

Leah didn't waste any second and jumped into her aunts arms

" I missed you Auntie " Leah said

Andromeda just held her tighter, after a while they pulled apart and Andromeda said " there is someone else who is excited to meet you "

When Leah walked forward she saw two people sitting on a bench waiting for her , they were her grandma Euphemia and grandpa Monty 

" grandma ? grandpa ? " she called out

The two looked up and gave her a big smile , they ran upto her and engulfed her in a tight hug

" We are so proud of you little one " said her grandmother fondly 

" You are so strong, so kind , you didn't let your hardships slow you down " said her grandfather with pride in her eyes

" I missed you " whispered Leah

" We missed you too Sweetheart " said Grandma Euphemia , running a gentle hand through her hair

" I would love to speak to you all day but there is someone else who wants to see you , don't worry we'll catch up later " said Grandpa Monty giving a kiss to her forehead 

When she went ahead she met Remus and Tonks who engulfed her in a tight hug

Tonks thanked her a lot to being there her little boy and mother , Remus was looking at her with pride in his eyes

She met Sirius who kissed her all over her face and picked her up in a tight hug

He introduced her to his little brother Regulus

Regulus was shocked when Leah hugged him but after sometime he hugged her back

Sirius was smiling lovingly at them

Sirius told her that someone was waiting for her ahead and when she went forward , her heart bursted with happiness, over their standing was none other than Alex, smiling at her.

She immediately ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged her back tightly, she didn't even notice, she started crying.

" Hey why are you crying ? " Alex said , running a finger on her cheek 

" Joyce and I missed you so much ! " Leah said

He smiled sadly and kissed her forehead

" I missed you both too ! you have no idea how much ! the day when Joyce was born , I wanted nothing more than to be down there, with you both , and the day when those men came and attacked you I - " he turned away and wiped his eyes 

Leah held his face in between her hands and said " all four of us came back unharmed from the incident, we're absolutely fine , now see our Joyce is going to be a grandma soon " she said and they both chuckled 

He held her by her waist and said " I really missed you! " and kissed her, she kissed him back

She felt peace here 

Suddenly a familiar voice from behind them said " Hey ! just because you married my baby girl, this doesn't mean I'll allow you to be this close to her "

Leah turned around to see none other than her dad James Potter standing there, he smiled at her and spread out his arms , Leah choked back a sob and ran to him, hugging him tightly, he staggered a bit but regained his balance

Another pair of arms joined the father - daughter hug , it was her mother Lily Potter 

After a long time , when they pulled away , Leah said " Mummy ? Pa ? "

" Yes it's us baby " said her mother 

" You've grown so much Bambi ! " said her father , running a hand through her hair

Leah just chuckled and hugged her parents again , she was finally with her parents 

She felt contented, she felt peace , she felt safe 


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