I'll Be Back

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Since then another two years had passed by , now along with the pictures of young Teddy with Andromeda and Leah , we could also see pictures of Leah with Alex .

After seeing each other for two years Alex decided to take the big leap and proposed to Leah , which she happily accepted.

Leah also told him about her and Andromeda being a witch and coming from a wizarding family, he accepted with open arms and also told her that he knew there was something different about her.

Since , then it had been a year since they got married 


Leah also kept inquiring about Ron and Hermione, it seems they had gotten married a month before she and Alex did , and were soon expecting a baby girl. Leah was really happy for them but her heart broke when she was told that they keep searching for her.George and Angelina had a Little girl Roxanne , Bill and Fleur had 2 little girls Victorie and Dominique , Percy had a little girl Molly, Ginny was engaged to Terry Boot and Mr and Mrs Weasley were doing well .

Draco married Astoria Greengrass and they were soon expecting a baby boy

She missed them a lot but she knew in order to keep them safe and happy , she had to stay away from them


Soon the day came which Leah had been dreading about , Alex had enlisted himself as one of the volunteers to go to Iraq and fight for the American army.

Leah was against this but Alex convinced her

" Hey I'll be back before you even know it ? " said Alex , while pulling her into a tight embrace

Leah just held him tighter

Soon he pulled away and gave her a long , passionate kiss

After a while they pulled away and Alex gave her a kiss on the forehead  , and gave her one last hug and said " Bye , I love you "

" I love you too , take care " she said back and he was out


One Sunday morning when Andromeda was busy in the kitchen , she heard a knock on the door, Leah answered it and after a few minutes she heard Leah scream

She immediately ran outside to see Leah on the floor with tears running down her face , she was clutching a letter in her hand , addressed by the army.

She gently took the letter from her hand , it read :

Dear Mrs. Martin ,

We regret to inform you that .............

Our condolences 

Andromeda looked up from the letter to a broken Leah

She quickly pulled her into a hug

" I wanted to see the happiness in his eyes , when I was going to tell him that he's soon going to be a dad " Leah whispered 

Andromeda pulled away and looked at her in shock , Leah only nodded


On September 23rd , 2005 , Leah gave birth to a healthy baby girl, the baby had Leah's features but had Alex's hair and eyes.

Teddy was jumping up and down excited to have a baby sister 

" She's beautiful what are you going to name her ? " Asked Andromeda

Leah smiled and said " Alex's mother's name was Joyce , so I'm gonna name her Joyce Lily  Potter Martin , she will be named after both her grandmothers."

Andromeda smiled with tears in her eyes " that's a beautiful name "

Little Teddy began to clap which made both the women laugh


Unbeknown to the four , a red haired woman , a raven haired man with round glasses , a man with long black hair and a man with sandy blonde hair were looking at them tearfully.

Alex who stood beside them watched his wife and new born daughter sadly, wishing he was there with them.

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