Would you be his Godmother ?

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Four years have passed by now Teddy was 19 , currently pursuing his Auror training , his girlfriend Victorie Weasley, Fleur and Bills eldest daughter had moved into the states for pursuing an apprenticeship in potions .

When Teddy told Leah and Andromeda about his relationship with Victorie the ladies were happy for him, and it wasn't really a surprise since , they knew Victorie and Teddy had a crush on each other since fourth year.

Joyce was now a fourteen year old strong girl, she was even more than what her mother imagined she would be, and Leah thought she would be amazing.

Leah was really proud of her kids and knew in her heart that Tonks and Remus would be really proud of Teddy too as Alex would be of Joyce.


One Saturday morning, Leah received an owl from Ginny saying that she had given birth to a baby boy and really wanted her best friend to come and see him

Leah immediately apparated to St.Mungo's, Ginny immediately gave her a hug and Terry gave her a smile , she even held their baby boy in her arms , they named him Daniel Arthur Frederick Boot.

" Leah would you be his godmother? " asked Ginny 

Leah looked up in shock and said " yes , yes I will "

Ginny beamed at her and gave her a hug

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