Hogwarts Or Ivelmory

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Now , instead of two they were four kids running around the Lupin - Tonks - Potter residence. Joyce and Rose became close friends and so did Teddy and Hugo. When Mrs. Weasley saw Leah with Joyce and Teddy she immediately engulfed the three of them in a bone crushing hug which made the kids laugh, she pulled Andromeda in the hug too.

Fleur , Bill , George , and Angelina came to visit them too 

Things were going good 


Since , then six years had passed by ....

Teddy was soon going to turn 11 and Joyce was going to turn 7 in another 4 months

The biggest question arouse " Will Teddy be going to Ivelmory or Hogwarts ?? "

Leah and Andromeda left the decision upon Teddy, wherever he wishes to go , he'll have his full family support.

Ultimately to everyone's surprise , Teddy chose Ivelmory


After a tearful goodbye the trio ( Leah , Andromeda and Joyce ) went back home.

The next when they were sitting on the dining table having breakfast , they received an owl from Teddy saying that he was sorted into " Wampus" house and he along with his new friends Daniel Picquery , John Blackbird and Dennis Reinhart couldn't wait to play their " grand " prank.

Leah laughed while Andromeda groaned and rubbed her temples 

Suddenly they heard the doorbell ring and when they opened it, they were met with the site of a green coloured Mr.Danes their next door neighbour and beside then was Joyce who shrugged.

The two women sighed


After five years , Joyce to went to Ivelmory and was sorted into " Pukwudgie"


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