I Won't Be Troubling You ?

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Since then two years had passed by but Avenue Park was still the same warm , welcoming neighbourhood, the only thing that showed that time had passed by was the pictures on the mantelpiece, it showed a picture of a little Teddy on his first birthday with cake smudged on his face , him getting kissed on the cheek by Andromeda and him and Leah riding the Ferris wheel.

 Sometimes , Leah and Teddy played pranks on Andromeda 

Everything was going well but still Leah didn't know why but she felt lonely, it was like a piece of a missing piece of a puzzle.

But that was until she met Alex


While singing and playing the piano Leah's magic used to amplify and things used to happen like plants used to grow, flowers bloomed , wounds got healed , but she never noticed this since she was so immersed in her singing but there was another thing she failed to notice.....

Every night whenever Leah plays the piano and sing , in a faraway corner sat a young boy who used to hear her sing entranced , when the first time he saw her he was immediately attracted to her, and her voice Just made him fall for her even more . He also used to notice the things that used to happen when Leah played but he Just brushed it off to coincide.

He wanted to talk to her but could never pluck up the courage to do so 


One night after her concert as she was packing up her things to leave , when she saw Mr. Kendrick son Richard approaching her by his expression she knew what he was gonna ask, so she quickly looked around and saw a door and ran towards it .

When she shut the door, she didn't notice another person sitting there 

" Oh , I'm sorry, I'll just leave " Leah said

" No, no it's okay stay " said the man

" I won't be troubling you? " she asked

" Not at all " said the man

She smiled at him gratefully and he smiled back

" Are you not hungry ? because I didn't see you around " she asked 

The man blushed and said " No actually, I came to see someone " he said 

" That's great ! and by your expression it looks like you met her " Leah said

" Yes , yes I did " he said

Leah smiled 

" I'm Alex , Alex Martin " the man said , bringing his hand forward

" Nice to meet you Alex , I'm Leah , Leah Potter " she said , taking his hand and shaking it

Suddenly a vase dropped down from the coffee table and fell on Leah's foot 

" Ouch ! " she said

" Are you alright ? " asked Alex

She was feeling immense pain but still smiled at him and said " I'm fine , don't worry "

Alex raised an eyebrow and said " your face says a complete different story , come on give me your address , I'll drop you "

Within 15 minutes , they found themselves in front of the Lupin - Tonks - Potter residence.

When Andromeda opened the door, she was shocked to see Leah with a man

" Hi Auntie " Leah said

" What are you both doing outside come in " Andromeda said

She noticed Leah limping, and Andromeda sighed

" Where did you get hurt ? " she asked

Leah bit her lip , took out her shoe , the place were the vase hit had turned blue

Andromeda immediately bought ice 

" Thank you mister.... ? " 

" Martin but please call me Alex "

" Thank you Alex for bringing her safely back home safely "

He smiled

And from there a beautiful relationship grew



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Alexander Xavier Martin played by Timothee chalemet

Alexander Xavier Martin played by Timothee chalemet

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Andromeda Irma Tonks as Anne Hathaway

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