Why Didn't You Tell Us ?

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" Ron , Hermione? " Leah whispered in disbelief 

Andromeda came to see who it is , and there stood Ron and Hermione with their Little girl Rose in their arms 

Leah could clearly see the hurt and relief in their eyes 

" Why are you standing there ? Please come inside " Andromeda said 

They sat on the couch in silence 

Ron broke the silence by saying " Mum , made this for Joyce " , he handed out a Little green hand - knitted sweater , while smiling at Joyce .

" How did you know about Joyce ? " asked Leah in shock

Hermione took a deep breath and said " The attack on your house , made the headlines in the daily prophet , I don't know how but the journalist somehow got to know her name " she said in a shaky voice.

Leah nodded

" Where is your husband? " asked Ron gently 

Tears sprung in her eyes , Andromeda noticed this and said " Um , he passed away , while fighting the war. " 

Ron and Hermione's eyes widened

Leah was going to say something when Hermione snapped " Why did you run away ? "

Leah could clearly hear the hurt in her voice 

" I was the reason everyone was unhappy, I kept reminding them of their loss , so I -" Leah said

" So, you decided to just walk away without even telling us , do you have any idea how worried we all were ? " said Ron angrily

" I -" Leah wanted to say something but knew she had no rights, not after what she did

" We were lucky, that Fleur came across your wedding picture " said Ron

At her confused expression Hermione said " Fleur wanted to hire a professional photographer for Gabriella 's wedding  , so she was looking through some of his works , when she came across your wedding picture." and handed her the photograph

There stood Alex and Leah with their arms linked smiling widely and beside her stood auntie Andromeda and Teddy , beside Alex was his uncle Freddie

All 5 of them were smiling widely and waving at the camera

Leah had decided to wear her mother's wedding dress and Alex decided to wear his dad's tie for their wedding like this they felt a part of their parents were with them.

" She immediately bought this to us and mum recognised this as your mum's dress " said Ron gently 

" What was his name? " asked Hermione gently 

" Alex. Alex Xavier Martin " Leah said

Ron and Hermione came to her side a hugged her tightly and Leah hugged them back

Andromeda smiled at the three

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