Run !

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Two months had passed and things were going well for the four but still Leah had a feeling that something wrong was going to happen 

and she wasn't wrong...........


One evening when Leah was making colourful bubbles for Teddy and Joyce with her wand , when she heard Andromeda say " Leah , did you call any of your friends over today ? "

" No , why what happened? " she asked and when Andromeda pointed to the window her eyes widened 

They were death eaters but how they got her location

" Auntie !, Run !, take Teddy and Joyce and run !, I'll hold them off !" yelled Leah , while taking out her wand

" No ! Leah you go upstairs with the kids , they need you " said Andromeda 

" But ..." said Leah

" Run ! " Andromeda shouted 

So Leah quickly took Joyce in her arms and grabbed Teddy's hand and bolted upstairs , she quickly sat Joyce in her crib and Teddy on the bed , whose hair had turned orange and blocked the door with the dresser.

She turned to the kids and said " Auntie Leah loves you, Grandma loves you Teddy , never forget that " she said and kissed his forehead 

" Mummy loves you, Auntie Andy loves you Joyce , you don't forget that either " she said and gave a kiss to her forehead too

She heard a " stupefy"downstairs and a thud

Then she heard a pair of footsteps coming upstairs, she poised her wand ready

The moment the door blasted open , the man yelled " expelliarmus " and Leah's wand went flying away

" You do what you want to do with me but please leave the kids out of this " she said

The man Just poised his wand and immediately pointed it to the ceiling yelling " bombarda " and the whole ceiling collapsed knocking all of them unconscious.

In this chaos nobody noticed a lily falling beside each of them and a stag plushie falling on Leah


Soon after the incident, the four of them left the place and Leah bought a new house which was close to Teddy's school 

Teddy and Joyce still had nightmares from this event , so Andromeda and Leah started sleeping with the kids

Leah had nightmares herself but she never told anyone about it


One Sunday afternoon when Leah was making Smoke rings for Joyce and Teddy , they heard a knock on the door 

Andromeda and Leah immediately became alert , Leah slowly went up to the door and opened it, and her eyes widened because right in front of her were standing........

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