Chapter 5

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  When I arrived at Caty's house, a curiosity struck me, out of the blue, and I couldn't help but ask:

  -Hey, something's wrong. You're not a normal person either, you said you're a guardian angel. Do your parents know about it? And are they the same?

  -My real parents? Yes, obviously this is a stupid question. If you mean those who raised me then no, they are not the same as me and know nothing about it. They are actually people from a child protection association and they took care of me. Being already 16 years old, I told them that I am now able to take care of myself. They know they raised me well and taught me everything a grown up needs to know about survival and protection, so they agreed to give me complete freedom. And they told me that if somehow I can't handle it I can come back to them, they will always welcome me. Somehow, I feel sorry for them, I saw that they started to love me, but we are part of different worlds, we have other priorities.

  -Now it explains why they were away all the time. Do you know anything about your real parents? Do you know who they are?

  -I know who they are, but I've never met them. I only know that they are Nephilim, that is, fallen angels, and because they were no longer welcomed in Heaven, they began to do what they know best here on Earth. There's a lot to talk about, are you sure you want to talk now?

  - Well, if there is still a lot to find out, I would prefer to find out as much as I can. I don't know how I'll do it but I'm very curious and you know I love these stories.

  -Okay, then let's start from the beginning. I'll start with the history lesson Caleb was talking about. I know this will sound boring to you, but you will have to listen to me carefully, because this is a fundamental piece of information: there has always been this Council of Shadows.

  The members of this Council kept a close eye on what all the unseen beings of the world were doing and made sure that they were not exposed and did not compromise the existence of humans by enforcing a set of rules. Just as a country has its constitution and laws, so was this community built. One of the fundamental laws referred to the fact that beings from different categories, for example vampire and wizard, or werewolf, or fairy are not allowed to fall in love. Or if they do, they can't have descendants under any circumstances.

  For a long time such relations were formed, because after all you can't tell the heart what to do and what not to do, but they were cautious and careful not to be found out.

  One day, about 20 years ago, two of the Council members announced their retirement from politics, saying it was too much responsibility and they wanted to be "lonely". In fact, the reason for their withdrawal was their forbidden love which they could not hide for much longer. He was a guardian angel and she, a princess of one of the 7 kingdoms of hell. We call them the founding parents of our Brotherhood, although no one knows exactly who they were, because after the Council found out the real reason, many forbidden couples came out and protested against this rule, which they thought was stupid. Most couples had children before they were executed or exiled, other couples ran away and hid, the certain thing is that from that moment the Council was much stricter with the supervision of its members and the community. Those who had children gave them up for adoption to ordinary people so that they would not be detected.

  -You know something? I think it's a stupid idea too. But something doesn't add up: you said your parents are guardian angels, so obviously they're in the same category. How come you are also part of the Brotherhood?

  - My parents' love was not forbidden, but they also wanted the removal of this law. They were on the side of true love. Like them, there were many other members who were against the law, although they were not living forbidden love stories. And, as expected, they too were exiled, tortured or even executed.

  - But why does this law exist? Why couldn't they be free to love who they want?

  - The problem was not love, but what was born from this love. They were afraid of the unknown. They didn't know what kind of child would be born from two completely different DNAs. As soon as they found out that there were descendants of the "traitors", they tried to come after us.

  Many of our people were killed, then they made it look like an accident. That's why we started this undetectable community, where we try to find as many people as we can and train them for the final fight.

  -The final fight? I mean, you mean we're going to fight the Shadow Council? That's pure suicide!

  - We will fight only if necessary. But as history has taught us that they will never accept us living with them, we will prepare for the worst. We are all determined to continue what our parents started, which is to fight for true love and if they don't accept it, we will be ready to fight for this right.

  -That sounds pretty crazy! At least you know who your parents were, I don't even know what they are.

  -I think that's enough for today. If you need more time before you start coming to the Brotherhood you can let me know and I'll tell Caleb about it.

  - I think this night is enough for me. My life has changed completely now, I just found out that I belong to another world, so I need to find out exactly what I am and who my parents were. Look how late it's gotten, we should go get some rest.

  That night, as expected, I didn't sleep much. I was having a hard time digesting all this information. I felt that everything was just a dream and that soon I would wake up to reality.

  I thought that by thinking about all these things as much as possible I would get used to them faster.

  And since that wasn't enough to keep me awake, I was also thinking about Caleb. All this time since I saw him until now I couldn't get him out of my mind and that scared me a lot.

  It was my first time experiencing love and I was very confused. Being about the Brotherhood leader, I didn't want to tell Caty about it, I thought she would think it was a bad idea.

  And for this very reason I was trying not to think about him, but it was impossible for me! I loved everything about him, his simple being attracted me. I liked his physique, his long black hair, his eyes so green that it was as if all nature was reflected in them, his angelic smile that made me float when I saw him, I loved everything.

  Thinking about him calmed me down and I was able to fall asleep with him in mind.

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