Chapter 28

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  We had all gathered in front of the building in Alaska, where the Shadow Council was headquartered.

  We didn't want to go inside, so we waited for someone to see us and come out. We wanted to show them that we don't want war, so we didn't rush in.

   I didn't wait long, the leader of the Council appeared in front of the huge building.

   She was a demon-blooded woman who could freeze your blood in your veins with just one look.

   Her body was so beautiful, she had such perfect shapes, that she could have any man she wanted.

  She was brunette, with straight hair, black eyes, and a perfectly proportioned doll-like face that made any woman who looked at her feel inferior to her.

  But as beautiful as she was on the outside, she was also mean and sour.

  When she stepped out into the doorway of the building she gave us a look full of hate:

  -You have finally realized that your lives are worthless, haven't you? she said, her voice as commanding as possible.

  - I came with thoughts of peace, I answered. We want to talk.

  -Say what you have to say. Just don't expect me to welcome some bugs into my sacred institution, she said, coming slowly towards us.

  - We want to negotiate, we want to live in peace and harmony with you. Our parents may have made big mistakes, but we are not to blame.

  At that moment, several black-cloaked Council witches raised a force field around us, causing us to run out of power.

   Slowly we were all starting to lose consciousness, but I was struggling with my mind to stay conscious.

  Behind me, Karina was doing the same, trying to free us from the force field, but she couldn't focus to cast the spell.

  Caty wasn't affected, but she also couldn't step outside the force field and could only help one escape from the influence of black magic.

   She quickly ran towards Karina, realizing that she was the only one who could free us all.

  All this time I could not stand, and when I looked up, the leader of the Council was standing in front of me:

  -My sister should have stayed by my side, she said. Melina has always been a rebel, she never listened to anyone. I always stayed behind to clean up the mess she left behind. I always protected her, and she betrayed me! Now it's my turn to take revenge.

  Melina was her sister? That was the only thing I could think of.

  I looked behind me and saw Caty holding Karina's hand, trying her best to help her focus.

  The angel-faced devil saw me and looked in the same direction, saying:

  -Don't get your hopes up too high, she can't do anything. Well, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll make you an offer: you can live, but on our terms. You'll let us exploit your powers, and when we're done, you'll be free.

  Then she sat down next to me, whispering:

  -You should take the example of your colleagues. They know they can't fight us, so they've joined us and informed us of everything you've been up to and how we can stop you all.

  As she spoke, several of our allies were being helped past the force field by members of the Council. The leader of one of the groups came before me and said:

  - I'm sorry, that's the only thing I could do. I did what I thought was best for my people. I didn't betray you, I just found a better plan. We will be free finally!

  -She will never free you, she will kill you all! I told him, with the little strength I had left. She only says this to lure us all into thinking we will be free, after which they will exterminate us.

  -Not true! She promised us that we would be free. We will let them exploit us, thus we will show our gratitude to them, we will give them our powers, but we will be free in the end.

  -Who wants to join these brave people? asked the woman. This is your only chance at freedom!

  One by one, they all started raising their hands and were helped to the other side of the barrier. There were about twenty other people next to me, out of the hundred or so at the beginning.

  Meanwhile, Karina had managed to break the spell and I was transforming as I jumped on her saying, "We will never be your slaves!"

  I pierced her beautiful neck with my poisoned claws, then found myself in our safe building with those who didn't join the Council.

   It all happened so fast, Karina had managed to teleport us in time before the others jumped on us.

  When I saw myself safe I had time to think about what had happened, and bitterly regretted my bad conceived plan.

  I felt directly responsible for what had happened. I immediately sat on a chair and stared into space. I was beginning to wonder if what the demon woman had said was true, and I asked Karina to cast a spell.

   I knew she could see a certain place she passed through, therefore she could see what happened to our other so-called allies. She was horrified when she saw them all butchered, lying on the floor.

  - You were very right, said Karina. We did well not to go with them. But too many of our people have died, and I don't understand where the problem was. What made others think our plan wouldn't work? What made them betray us?

  - It's my fault, I said, with tears in my eyes. I shouldn't have come up with this stupid plan. I think even if they hadn't betrayed the rest of us, it still wouldn't have worked. Whatever it was, it was still a suicidal plan.

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