Chapter 9

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  I decided to let him rest and went to help my colleagues, but first I went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face.

  I didn't want the others to know that I cried, because not even Caty knew about my little secret. In the meantime, my eyes also changed.

   I went down the hall, where Karina was doing a special spell for the deceased, a soul purification spell. All the other enemy corpses were buried in a pile in a large pit in the grove behind the abandoned factory.

   I looked for Caty with my eyes, and when I found her I went straight to her:

  -How did this happen? This place is supposed to be protected with a shield!

  - I'm not sure either, she said. But it's clear that they somehow managed to break the barrier. It seems my shield isn't that strong against them, so I'll ask Karina to find the strongest protection spell. We were very lucky that we were attacked during the day! If it had been night we might have had a visit from much stronger creatures and I don't think very many would have survived.

  -Wow, I didn't even think about that. You know, I still haven't gotten used to the idea that all these beings are real. Let's see what's left to do around here.

  Caty went to talk to Karina and I stayed with the others to finish cleaning.

  She asked the greatest witch in our little community to find the most powerful spell that exists in all her books. Karina said she knew a spell but couldn't do it herself, so it didn't take long for the two to come towards me.

  They told me about that spell and asked me to help them, which shocked me:

  - I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you, I told Karina. I have no magical powers and you know this very well.

  -Maybe you don't have magical powers, but I feel a power inside you that I've never felt in anyone before. You have a very special gift and you must take advantage of it. At least try, and if we fail we will find another way. However, my instincts were not wrong so far.

  -Okay, let's try. Just tell me what to do.

  -Hold my hand and think about the intention to protect this place. The rest is up to me.

  We joined hands, Karina closed her eyes and gave herself a minute to meditate. When she opened her eyes I noticed they were completely white, I couldn't even see the pupils.

  Immediately she began to say a Latin incantation and at the end she whispered "praesidium" and immediately, a white light with golden hues came out of our center towards the ceiling of the room, passing it and surrounding the entire building in a sphere of white light.

  When it was all done, Karina was looking at me with an ever wider smile. I gave her a confused look and she didn't hesitate for a moment and said:

  - You are the one! Caty, did you see? Did you see what happened? She is the girl from the prophecy! She will save us all!

  -And if it will be the other way around? Caty asked, almost whispering to Karina. What if the prophecy is about bad things?

  -Didn't you see what we just created? Eva and I just created the strongest barrier ever! I've only read about it, but I haven't heard of anyone achieving what we have achieved. I thought it was a myth! Only someone with the support of the two great powers, good and evil, can do this.

  -If I am helped by the two powers, doesn't that mean that the war is already won? I asked.

  -Not exactly, Karina answered me. You see, we get help from other worlds but our war will be here on Earth. They can't get involved in it.

  -Regarding that prophecy, what is it about?

  At that moment Caty gave Karina a disapproving look, but Karina pretended not to see her.

  -When we founded this little community, it was just the three of us: me, Caleb and Caty. We were scared, thinking that there was no one like us, that there were no more descendants of the great revolution. Caty had a glimmer of hope, however, and asked the angels for guidance. In a short time we received the sign: on the ceiling of this room suddenly appeared something written in a very ancient language. These angels are so mysterious, they could not write in our language to understand. Finally, Caty tried to help, knowing very little of their ancient language. From what she translated, it turned out to be a prophecy about a certain girl, the one who will make the angels and demons work together and save us or destroy us. There's a big difference between saving and destroying, but Caty didn't know how to interpret it correctly.

  As I listened I started to panic more and more. Now I knew why Caty didn't want me to know about it and I wasn't mad at her. That moment I also wished I hadn't known because I felt a lot of pressure on my shoulders.

  On the other hand, if the difference between "saving" and "destroying" was in my hands, I was glad to know.

  I was aware that I had a great power even if I hadn't fully explored it yet, and I was going to be very careful.

  After I finished all the work we had there, I proposed to my two friends that we should tell the others that we should all move there. After all, it was the safest place in the world at that moment.

  They thought for a while and realized that there are enough rooms to make bedrooms for all the colleagues, so they agreed with me.

  The place was huge, we had a whole floor unused, and there weren't many of us.

  In the end, after a day where our wizards rearranged the rooms and all the housemates settled in, I chose to roommate with Caty.

  I could have stayed alone, there was a spare room, but I didn't want to be alone and Caty was my best friend.

  I hadn't even realized how quickly time had passed with all the changes and chores I had to do.
  We got into bed it was late at night when we finished all the work and we were all exhausted.

  I couldn't sleep, my mind was flying to Caleb. He had pretty bad wounds and the silver didn't allow him to regenerate, I was afraid he wouldn't survive this night.

  I got out of bed and visited him again to make sure he was okay. He was sleeping, quiet.

  I calmed down when I noticed he was still breathing. The pulse was normal, everything was fine. A little calmer, but still thinking about him, I managed to fall asleep.

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