Chapter 13

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  The three days passed quickly. I didn't feel any difference, but Karina told me that everything went well and that I was ready.

  Caty had to tell Caleb the truth to get the delay we needed.

  I was very agitated that day. I had a bad feeling.

  I felt like everything was going to go wrong, I didn't know why, I just had that feeling, so I went to confess to my best friend. The only thing she said to me was, "Everything will be fine!" and she left.

  When the evening came I went to Karina's room to find out if I could help in some way with the preparations. She told me that I have to prepare mentally, be calm and she will take care of the rest. At 23:00 she called me into the great hall.

  I thought it was a myth that 00:00 was the witching hour, but nothing seems to be just a myth anymore.

  She placed several candles on the floor, she drew something that made no sense to me, and then sealed the drawing with a circle of salt.

   By the time she finished the preparations, the time for the ritual had arrived. I sat in the middle of the circle and Karina was outside, with her old spell book in hand.

  In no time she began to recite a spell and I began to levitate. I had begun to lose consciousness little by little until I was semi-conscious.

  My eyes were closed, I could hear everything that was happening around me, but I couldn't control anything.

  The next moment I opened my eyes and saw an opaque shield emerge from the circle of salt and envelop me. Then the two versions of me appeared next to me, one to my left, the other to my right.

  As soon as their eyes met, they began to fight. I felt that this was not right. Karina had told me that the two versions of me had to merge to form a whole.

  At the same time I started to vaguely hear Caty's scared voice asking what was going on, as if they could see what I was seeing. The bad side seemed to be winning the fight.

  Seeing this, Karina began to cast another spell, forcing the two powers to merge, but the evil side was vehemently opposed.

  The good version stood there with open arms and looking up waiting for the fusion, and the other version punched her, knocking her down.

  She could no longer stand up, she had no strength left. I knew I had to do something, but I just couldn't control my body, couldn't speak, couldn't do anything.

  From the other side of the shield I heard Caleb's voice:

  -Eva, you have to fight! If only one side has to win, then it will be the good side. Think of beautiful things!

  With him by my side, I couldn't think about anything. Seeing that the situation was not improving, Caleb began to scream in desperation:

  - Break the barrier! Now! I have to get to her!

  Suddenly I felt a warm hand grasp my hand. My only thought was that that hand was Caleb's. Or at least this is what I hoped. It had to be his hand, because as soon as he touched my hand, I felt happier than ever. I felt a wave of shivers go through my body, as if I had been electrocuted.

  He was next to me, and when I looked at him I returned with my feet on the ground and stayed looking into his eyes. Behind me, the bad side was very weak, so the good side took the opportunity and pulled her towards her, the two eventually merging, and that person, that whole that looked just like me, entered into my body.

  Immediately I felt an intense thrill and my consciousness returned. I felt... whole. I felt like all my worries and fears were gone.

  That and the fact that I was still holding Caleb's hand. When I realized this, I panicked, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know whether to withdraw, reject him, or stay like that. I didn't even know what he wanted. He was still looking at me and when he saw that everything ended well, he smiled at me.

  I was afraid. I was afraid that he would give me false hope again. I was trying to control my feelings, not to be so excited, but I just couldn't. I felt like I was floating, I felt like if he held my hand, I could do anything.

  I could read love in his eyes, but I was afraid of what he would do or say. I didn't want to be rejected anymore, because it hurts like hell!

  I kept thinking about these things and didn't know what to do next, until he woke me up to reality:

  -Hey, are you okay? How are you feeling?

  -I'm fine! I said with a faint smile on my face.

  Hearing my answer, he breathed a sigh of relief and hugged me tightly.

  -Now I realize, I was so wrong and I'm sorry!

  - I don't understand what you mean, I replied, visibly confused.

  -Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to talk. I will explain everything to you.

  - Well, I feel the need to drink something, to relax after all this madness. What do you say, do you want to join?

  - Sounds good!

  In those moments I had completely forgotten about Caty and Karina, until the last one interrupted me:

  - With pleasure, it was my pleasure to help!

  I felt horrible. After all she had done for me, I had completely ignored her. So I went to her and hugged her as hard as I could. Caty was next to her, so I hugged her just as hard, saying:

  - I don't know what I would have done without you. Come to my room too, let's celebrate!

  -I can not come. This whole ritual drained my strength, Karina apologizes. I'm going to rest.

  - I can't come either, I have some important things to do, Caty apologizes. Have fun!

  I knew she had nothing important to do, she just wanted to leave me and Caleb alone. She had a big smile on her face, she was happy. I think she had talked to him before, she knew what was going to happen, that's probably why she didn't want to be, somehow, extra.

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