Untold Phrases

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She is a poet in the dark pit

Confessing phrases, she commits

While shooting herself a bullet

Leaving all these words in secret

Loving under his spell

She oath leaving this to hell

After falling inside, the well

Still yearning for it, she can't tell

Her story been magically tragic

Less the same with a classic music

A film like dazzling and cinematic

She believed it, almost pathetic

It's breakthrough, I loss you

Even so, I treat you with value

Just a few you pay attention to

I'm not the one in your point of view

The long layers of your hair

Gives me nightmare in despair

With your odd fashion taste, so rare

Aware, that no one can compare

You've been the subject to my poem

Your hymn's my anthem, felt solemn

You supply atoms running in my system

Dreadfully, you become my own symptom


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