Chapter 1.

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A/N - Hey, so this is my first ever fanfiction, I have no idea what I'm about to write, but I hope you enjoy it. It may cover some sensative topics as well as I want to try and make this an on going one!


He hadn't even started school yet. It was the day before school was about to start and he was already starting to panic about all the abuse he would receive tomorrow. He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed his Lion plush to try and calm himself down, he noticed a sharper was sat on his desk. Dropping Lion on the floor, he crawled over to the desk and picked up the sharpener.

"Am I really going to do this to myself?" he thought, as he unscrewed the little screw that held in the blade. The screw fell to the floor and the blade slid out. He held it in between his fingers, then grasped it. He pushed the blade into his wrist and watched as the blood started to ooze around the cuts. Not being satisfied with one cut, he made more and more, until finally, he felt numb, he wasn't worried about going into that hell hole that he called school. The blade slipped out from between his fingertips and hit the carpeted floor. He didn't notice how much blood he was loosing until he looked down and his jeans were covered in the red liquid. He got up so fast that he fell back to the floor.

"Stupid fucking head rush," he muttered to himself and got up again, slower this time making sure he didn't make too much noise as to wake up his mother who was sleeping in the next room. He crept out into the hallway and tiptoed down to the bathroom, trying to avoid all the creaky floorboards. He got to the bathroom door, pushed it open then closed and locked the door behind him. He waved his good arm about to find the string that turned on the light. He pulled it and light filled the room which blinded him for a few seconds. He hadn't noticed how bad the cuts were as his room was fairly dark.

"Fuck!" he breathed, as he dabbed some tissue onto the cuts, hissing each time he cleaned a new one. He had never done anything like this before, he was never like this before. Normally he could cope, but knowing that they we're going to be there and that this year, this was going to be the worst as it was the last year before they all graduated, so they would all go their separate ways. All the cuts were as clean as they were going to be without water, so he filled up the sink with luke warm water and cleaned his arm. A small growl left his lips as the first cut entered the water. It burnt so much but he didn't want to scream because he knew it would wake his mother who was only sleeping a few doors down. He pulled his arm out of the water and looked at the cuts, there was a first aid kit in the cabinet above the sink, so he opened the door and pulled out a small green first aid kit. He opened it and grabbed the plasters and bandages. He peeled open the plasters and put them on the smaller cuts then got the bandages out and wrapped them around his arm, trying his hardest not to knock them so they would bleed out as soon as he tied it. As he wrapped the bandage around the scars at the top of his arm and tied a knot to make sure it didn't fall off, he got his phone out of his pocket. "2.05am" it read.

"Shit!" he thought, "I need some sleep!" before he put the first aid kit away he took a couple bandages out of the kit for the morning as he suspected that they would bleed out during the night. He put the bandage's in his pocket and then put the first aid kit back where he found it, he quickly checked the bathroom floor to see if there was any blood that had dripped onto the floor and cleaned it up if there was. He unlocked the door quietly, turned the light off and slipped out the bathroom, his eyes hadn't quite adjusted to the light yet, so he had to put his hands on the wall to guide him back to his room. He pushed down the handle and opened the door to his room, the light from his laptop lit a small corner of his room. He checked his Twitter feed, nothing interesting really. He closed his laptop, slipped his top and jeans off then climbed into bed, remembering the thought of having to go to back to hell tomorrow...

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