Chapter 3.

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Hey guys so I'm going to stick to the POV way of writing, I found it a lot easier to write and I could add more details like thoughts and stuff to it, so yeah, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Dan's POV

Phil opened the door to his room, it was spotless. I remembered what my room looked like and it made me wish it was tidier so I could invite people round and not be obsessing over them thinking I was a pig living in my sty. My thoughts were disrupted by Phil screaming "SHIT!" and running over to his desk drawer. He threw the drawer open. He frantically looked through the drawer. Suddenly he stopped, sighed and fell to the floor, and faced me. In his hand was a small box. I wanted to know so badly what was in the box, but I knew that it was none of my business and I had only just met him so he probably didn't want to share it with anyone else. His eyes opened and he looked at me, his pupils dilated and he suddenly jumped up, he threw the box back in the drawer, looked on his desk, picked up a key and locked it. He then slid the key into his wallet. He spun round and looked at me. His eyes locked and nervous. The silence was awkward. I didn't know what to say, until "I like your room." left my lips.

"Thanks, I'm hoping to get it redocrated soon, or maybe even get my own place, I would love that, maybe a flat in London..." I could see that he was drifting off into his own thoughts, the nervous look leaving his eyes, being replaced with one of passion. As he came back to reality, he looked at me.

"Sorry for daydreaming! Right lets get sorted out." As he said that he unzipped his hoodie to reveal a what should have been grey long sleeved top, but was now dyed red from the blood. He rolled up the grey sleeve which revealed a reddy-brown bandage. He untied the knot at the top and began to unbind his arm. Every so often a hiss would leave his perfect pink lips. He got down to the last few layers and the hisses became words and eventual cries in pain. A few tears escaped his pale blue eyes. He dropped the bandage to the floor and I looked at his arm. The gashes we're going up and down, left and right across his arm. The more I looked at them, the more I wanted to create more marks like that in my own skin. Phil got up and walked out the room, I followed him down the hallway to a little bathroom, he turned on the tap and began to fill the sink with water.

Phil's POV

I filled the sink with water and looked up into the mirror to see Dan standing behind me. I didn't want him to see me like this. I grabbed a flannel from under the sink and submerged my arm into the water, I couldn't help but cry out as the cuts hit the cold water. A hand placed itself on my shoulder, Dan. I didn't want to look up, but I did. His chocolate brown eyes were staring into the mirror at me. I didn't know how to feel, it felt like his eyes were staring into my soul. Like he could see right through me. The more I stared into the mirror the more I started to realise things about him. How shaggy his hair was. How deep brown his eyes were. How perfect his lips were. How perfect he was. I looked down into the sink to see the clear water had now turned red, so I pulled my arm out and emptied the sink. Dan wrapped my arm in a towel to stop the bleeding. His tan hands padded lightly against the bleeding scars. I looked up, his face was a mixture of pain and concentration.

"Dan?" I questioned him. "Are.. Are you alright?" I looked down at the towel wrapped around my arm, patches of red were seeping through.

"I'll be fine," he smiled. "Let's sort you out." I knew that he was lying, but I didn't want to pester him about it, I mean I had only known the kid for a few hours, however, he was already in my house and knew more about me than my own mother did. I looked back up into the mirror to see Dan's face focused on the towel. Something was defiantly wrong with him. 

"Dan, what's wrong?" I demanded, taking his hands off the towel. His face concentraited on the towel as it fell slow motion to the ground. As soon as it had crumpled on the floor, Dan's eyes followed the path the towel had taken back to my arm. I tilted his head up, so his eyes would look at something other than the scars on my arm. His eyes met mine, tears had filled them. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and held him. He silently sobbed onto my shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist. I felt oddly comfortable in with this concept. I pulled away and looked at him, his eyes were red, puffy and bloodshot. "Let's go to my room." I suggested, I cleaned up the bathroom whilst Dan continued to sob silently in the door frame. I picked up a bandage from the first aid box in the cupboard above the sink and walked over to Dan in the doorway. I put my hand on his shoulder and walked him down the hallway to my room. We reached my room and I sat Dan down on the bed and started binding my arm with the bandage. Dan continued to silently sob, tears streaming down his face, he led down on my bed and curled up into a ball. I finished wrapping my arm and tied a knot at the top like before. I quickly grabbed a long sleeved top and stepped outside the door. I changed my top and walked back in. "Dan, I..." Before I could finish my sentence, my hand covered my mouth and a muffled gasp came out.


Okay, please do not hurt me about not updating this sooner! I've been moving house and I've only had Internet for a week. I completely forgot about this fan-fic until I got a comment saying "Please update!" I had already written half of it, so this isn't quickly written before you ask! I love leaving these on cliff hangers because I feel like I can write more for the next chapter and it will make you all want to keep reading! ;D ALSO thank you so so much for 180+ reads, that's awesome!! Last time I checked it only had 30 or so read, so thank you so much for all reading!! :D I will update again soon!! Can I also say that I have no idea where this is going, so I'm going chapter by chapter!! Also, I know this chapter is really short, I'm sorry about that, I literally have no idea's at the moment.. :(


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