Chapter 4

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Because it was so highly requested that I update as soon as I uploaded that last chapter, here is chapter 4!! Enjoy!!


Dan's POV

Phil left his room with a tee shirt in his hand, he was only going to be a few minuets, not even that, seconds, this would be the only time I would be able to do it until I got home and I wouldn't be able to wait that long. I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket, some of the leather falling off onto Phil's bed, I opened it to see a picture of me and my ex staring back at me, his long, browny/blonde hair fell across his blue eyes, his lips pressed against mine. A shiver ran down my spine remembering what he had done. I took the photo out and attatched to the back of it was a small sharpner blade, I slipped the blade out of the tape that was holding it to the back of the photo and held it between my fingers. I rolled my sleeve up to reveal all the other self inflicted wounds covering my forearm. I pressed the blade into my arm and the door clicked open, I jumped, causing me to slip and cut down the main vein in my arm. Phil's hands hit his face and a small gasp left his lips. He ran over towards me and I dropped the blade pincered between my fingertips. His blood covered shirt was wrapped around the jagged cut in my arm. I looked up into his eyes; the colour was draining from them as blue tears formed in his eyes and rolled down his white cheeks.

"Phil, I.." I was cut off by Phil's finger being pressed against my lips, he looked down to the floor. Tears were starting to form a wet patch on his jeans. With my free hand, I pushed Phil's chin up. His face was white as snow, his eyes were soulless, red and puffy. I traced my finger tips along his jaw line, my fingers curled around the back of his jaw and pulled his face closer to mine. His forehead was pressed against mine and his eyes were staring into mine. Phil moved his finger from my lips to around my neck. His warm breath made me catch my breath. I tilted my head.

Phil's POV

I moved my finger from Dan's lips, and wrapped my hand around his neck. I stared into his chocolate eyes and glaced down at his lips. His pink lips were slightly parted. I closed my eyes and tilted my head.

"Phil?" a womans voice called from the hallway. "Phil, are you home?" I pulled away from Dan, he looked hurt. I felt so bad, I wanted to kiss him, but I wanted it to be the perfect kiss, not just one of those ones that just happen. I quickly looked down at Dan's arm to make sure it was covered up. 

"Put this hoodie on," I said, I got up and threw one at him. "That will be able to hide it for a bit while I get my mum off the case." I opened the door. "Hey mum!" I called down the hall. "Yeah, I am home early, I made friends with the new boy, and he didn't feel very well, so I bought him back here because he lived too far away and his parents were at work." I said, I could feel my voice shaking as I lied to the woman who raised me. She appeared in the hallway. 

"Phil, you should've called and told me that you were coming home, I would've come home straight away and helped you!" Her voice was calm, she sounded sincere. "Where is he at the moment?" She questioned.

"He's lying on my bed at the moment as he doesn't feel well, would it be alright if he could stay a while? I don't think it's right to send him back to school and I want to get to know him some more as he's the new boy and stuff, so would it be okay if I could stay home too?" I looked into my room and glared at Dan to lie in the bed. He got the message, lead down and shut his eyes. I gestured to my mum to come and have a look to show that I wasn't lying. 

"Aw bless him. Phil, you are so kind, aren't you," She said as she patted my back and walked back down the hall way. "Call me if you need or want anything, okay?" I nodded at her and proceeded back into my room, closing the door behind me. When the door was closed, Dan's eyes opened again and he sat up. He took the hoodie off, folded it and put in on the end of my bed. I walked over to my bedside table and grabbed a bandage out the second drawer. I watched as he slowly peeled off the top that was surrounding the wound. A small hiss left his lips as the last bit of material peeled off the dried blood and a new wave came gushing out. I looked up at Dan his eyes started to go glassy, I handed him his glass and he took a small sip out of it. I grabbed a couple of tissues out of the box I kept on my desk and dabbed them as gently as I could on the cut. A few tears escaped Dan's eyes, when it slowly started to stop bleeding, I wrapped the bandage around the wound being careful not to knock it and cause more bleeding. I tied a small knot at the top and then put a safety pin in it as well, just to make sure it doesn't come loose.

"This is not for you to harm yourself," I told him as I poked the safety pin in by the knot. Dan nodded slowly. "There, all done." I smiled at him, his arms wrapped themselves around my neck. I wrapped mine around his waist. I sat him down on the bed again. "I wouldn't advise getting up too quickly, otherwise you might end up getting a headrush." Dan stayed completely silent. "Dan? Whats wrong?" I pushed him back slightly, his eyes were filled with tears and his pefectly tanned skin was stained with tears. "Dan, don't cry!" I wrapped my arms back around him. 

"Phil," Dan whispered into my ear. "Thank you, no-one has ever been this nice to me before," he trailed off and started to play with my hair, I smiled and let him sit and play with it. I noticed his blade was sat on the bed next to him along with a picture of him kissing a boy with blondey/brown hair. He was wearing an Asking Alexandria tee and Dan was wearing a blue jumper with a white monster on the bottom, he looked really sweet. I tore my eyes away from the photo and back to the blade lying next to it. I carefully picked it up and whispered to Dan.

"I'm going to keep hold of your blade for now Dan, okay?" my voice quivered as I said it. I felt him nod his head and continue to play with my hair.


HEY! so I know this is another short chapter and I'm sorry for that, but I'm having a small case of writers block. I know what I want to happen, it's just trying to make it look almost realistic and not all fantasy. so yeah, i hope you enjoyed this short chapter and haven't left it on such a cliff hanger for you all this time!

Also, I have exams this week so I won't be updating until at least mid way through next week  but I don't really know cause I love writing this for you guys, I love seeing how you react!

Anyway, back to revision and panicking! ~ PEACE OFF DANOSAURS & PHILLIONS ~ bringhertolife

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