Chapter 7.

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Phil's POV after Dan ran off... LETSAGO!


Phil's POV

".. And I think I love you!" Dan's head shot up and he backed away from me. "Shit, see this is what I mean, I bet now you think I'm weird because you've only known me for about 12 hours or so and I'm already saying that I think I love you." Dan turned around and before I could say anything he darted off. I watched as his figure slowly got smaller and smaller until he turned the corner and was completely out of sight. I lent against the wall next to the lamp post and slid down until I was curled up in a ball on the pavement under the lamp post. I pulled up the hoodie sleeves and looked at the cuts which had reopened from Dan's forceful grip, even the thought of it turned me on slightly. Even though my wrists started bleeding, I was enjoying every minuet of Dan's tight grip. It made me feel as if I was loved, as if I could be loved by another human apart from my mother. A shiver ran down my spine as the wind blew across my neck. I got up and started walking in the opposite direction of Dan. As much as I liked him, I think he just wanted some time to think. I walked for what seemed like forever until I found myself at the local park. I wandered over to the swings and sat down. I looked up to the moon as it tried to push it's way through the thick layer of cloud covering the sky. I pushed myself back and swung myself forwards, kicking my legs as I did so making me go higher and higher until I felt like I could touch the sky and maybe move the clouds out of the way of the moon so it could light up the night sky. As I swung myself higher and higher my thoughts trailed back to the events of the day.

//A stranger, who turned out to be the new boy, Dan, handed me bandages in the middle of the street with no questions, just handed them to me and let me lie on the pavement in a small pool of blood. When reaching school, the morning was standard until the new boy, Dan, appeared and sat down next to me in class. I then walked to the bathroom ignoring all the taunts yelled at me only to hear another fight which had started which didn't involve me for once, but another kid, who was called "gay" and left in a pool of his own blood, when leaving the cubicle I had hidden myself in so I didn't get into that situation again I noticed that it was the new boy who sat down next to me in class, Dan, who then fell asleep on him due to his injuries. Dan's injuries needed to be looked at properly, so after inviting him back to my house so I could look after him the bullies cornered me in the car park and beat me up once again, leaving Dan to watch. After finally reaching home, we both sorted out our wounds from the bullies, Dan ended up cutting his wrist pretty bad. I wrapped Dan's wound and a kiss almost happened, however, my mum came home and ruined the moment. After taking Dan's blade, he fell asleep on my bed but after tripping on his feet I fell on top of him and woke him up. Dan pounced on top of me and we ended up kissing passionately until he squeezed my wrists too tightly. He then got up, left and told me he loved me...//

To say that today was an interesting day would be an understatement. I hadn't noticed a figure sat on the swing opposite me until he cleared his throat and startled me. 

"You." His voice was cold and dark. I turned my head to see a boy with black hair sat on the swing next to me. I recognised the face, but I didn't know a name. His eyes were looking forward. His ivory hair was melting into the darkness. His pale face was lit up by the moon, outlining all the contours of his face. He had a band tee-shirt on, the only reason I could tell was because of the design on the front, not many shirts have a girl eating a brain from a skull on. "Stay away from Dan." And with that, he got up and walked into the darkness. What just happened? I got off the swing and started walking back the way I came from. The street light. That is where it all happened. That's when everything that happened turned bad. I walked in the direction which Dan ran off in because I remember that he said he was new to the area so he may've got lost and might be waiting on a corner for someone to come collect him. I turned the corner and heard quiet sobbing coming from a near alleyway. I walked down it cautiously and the crying started to get quieter and quieter until it was just a mutter, but it was still slightly audible. I saw a figured curled up on the floor, was it...

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