Chapter 3

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You had all spent days in Tiadoma's hut devising a plan. Will left for Singapore a few days before the rest of you to acquire a few more things you needed to reach Davy Jones locker. The rest of you arrived shortly after and were beginning phase two of your plan.

You and Elizabeth rowed a small boat down the river of Singapore. You smiled at her as she rowed in unison with you, "you've grown into it."

She looked at you curiously, "how do you mean?"

You nodded to her pants, a change from her usual dress, her unkept hair and the steady way her hands rested on the oars. "The Elizabeth I knew wouldn't know the first thing about any of this," you said.

Elizabeth blushed, "I learned from Jack and Will, it made me feel close to you."

"And Norrington?" you asked.

She shook her head, there was so much she needed to catch you up on, "we broke it off. I was never there and when I was, he was out on campaign. He gave up his station at one point, to spend more time with me, but I left on a voyage not long after that."

"I'm sorry," you responded.

"Don't be," she replied, "I found the freedom of sailing was more fun than one in Port Royal. I still love him, but I'm okay. I had Will and Jack."

You nodded, your mind drifting to Will. So much had happened since you died, you wondered if he had actually moved on. Elizabeth noticed your change in posture, "you're worried about Will?"

You nodded, "on many fronts."

Elizabeth opened her mouth to speak again, but the small boat bumped into the dock you were rowing to. At the top of the dock, two asian men held their hands out for you to approach, "what are you doing in these parts?" one asked once both of you were standing on the dock.

"We seek an audience with Captain Sao Feng," you said, drawing yourself up to your full height, hand resting on your sword.

The men chuckled, "a dangerous request from two women, particularly two women alone."

There was movement behind the men and out of the shadows popped Barbossa, "who says they're alone."

"You protect them?" the other man asked.

You closed the distance, pulling out the dagger concealed on your thigh and pressing it to the man's throat, "what makes you think I need protecting?"

Elizabeth spoke, drawing attention to her as you still held the man still, "you don't know who we are, but we need to speak with Captain Sao Feng, immediately."

"I know you," the other man gestured to Barboss, "you captained the Black Pearl."

Barbossa lowered his head, "not anymore, but you'll find my merciful nature has not yet improved."

"Enough," you hissed, pressing the knife deeper, "where is Sao Feng?"

The man nodded and you let go of his companion. He gestured for you to follow him into a dark chamber that was full of steam and smelled like sweat. You walked through throngs of people shoulder to shoulder with Barbossa, Elizabeth trailing only a step behind.

You finally came out to a small opening and standing in front of you in a long robe was Sao Feng. You had heard stories of him, he was a feared pirate lord when he was younger, but now he remains in Singapore drinking and living his days away from the sea.

"Sao Feng," Barbossa said with a slight bow, "a pleasure to be seein ya."

Sao Feng rolled his eyes, "Barbossa, I know you would only make the trip here if you needed something, so cut to the chase."

Barbossa shared a quick glance with you before nodding, "of course, we seem to find ourselves in need of a ship and crew."

"For what purpose?" the Asian lord said with suspicion.

"For sailing," you retorted.

Sao Feng's head shot up as he glanced in your direction. He approached you, swaying slowly as he got closer. Elizabeth looked between you and Barbossa nervously, but you held your head high, eyes tracking Sao Feng in every direction.

"You," he whispered, "have something special about you."

You scoffed, "in that I am not a coward."

Sea Feng eyed you, coming to a halt in front of your gaze, "and that would mean?"

"The song has been sung," you said angrily, "the pirate lords are gathering to fight The East India Trading Company and you sit here in your bathrobe."

Sao Feng laughed, "the pirate lords are a dying breed, I stay because I will survive."

"Then you are a coward," you shouted, "if you will not join the fight against the enemy, then give us a ship and a crew, we will fight for your own freedom. Or you can reunite with your pirate spirit and you can join us in Shipwreck Cove."

Sao Feng said nothing, he only shook his head and laughed, "do you think we are fools?" He asked, "do you think we do not know who you are?"

You looked between Elizabeth and Barbossa for a moment, "I must admit I questioned it at first, seeing you here on Barbossa's arm, I heard about the duel of death and now look, you are both alive and getting along."

He paused, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room, "which can only mean that Captain Sparrow wishes to raise her dead brother from Davy Jones's locker."

He was met with laughs and geers at your name. "Your spirit, it hasn't changed since the days of those stories, has it?"

You kept your head high, "if anything it's gotten stronger."

Sao Feng nodded, "indeed."

You waited hoping beyond hope that Sao Feng would rally to the cause of the pirate lords, but he shook his head, "you are going to have to offer something sweeter than death if you want my ship, Captain Sparrow."

You looked at Barbossa and he nodded, you cleared your throat, "I only want my brother, once we bring him back, you can have the Pearl."

Sao Feng's flirtatious smile faded, "you would trade your brother's ship?"

"Meet us at Shipwreck cove," you responded, "there you can join us, or you can take the Pearl and leave."

Sao Feng thought for a moment, then held out his hand, "an accord?"

You took his hand, "agreed." 

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