Chapter 7

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You awoke with a start, your back against coarse sand, looking up at the bright blue sky. You sat up quickly, remembering that Barbossa had just stirred your ship over the edge of a waterfall as an entrance to Davy Jones's locker.

"Sparrow!" you heard a familiar voice. You stood up searching for Will, you ran to him, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Are we here?" you asked as the others gathered as well.

Tiadoma nodded, "we have arrived at World's End."

You looked around, but it was Elizabeth that spoke the thoughts you both shared, "I don't see anyone."

The sun was warm against your skin, a sharp contrast to the cold where you just were lost. The sand coarse, but only a few feet away was the coast, where clear saltwater splashed against the shore. "Where is he?" you asked Barbossa.

"I said I could get you here," he responded, "I never said I knew exactly where he was."

Will's face turned angry, "so now we are lost again, great plan."

"We are not lost," Tiadoma interrupted, "the Sparrow's will be reunited before midday."

You looked at the sky, the sun was approaching its peak, it wouldn't be long before it was midday. "I guess we wait," you said, taking a seat on the sand.

Will didn't look convinced, but he nodded, taking a seat next to you and letting you lean your head in his lap as he played with loose strands of your hair.

"Love," he said quietly.

"Hmm," you responded, opening your eyes to look up at him.

He sighed, "a lot happened while you were uh-"

You chuckled, "you can say while I was dead, Will."

He smiled lightly, "ok, while you were dead."

You nodded, "I know."

"Wait," he said, his eyes suddenly growing wide, "you know?"

You shook your head, "I mean I know a lot happened, I know you'll tell me when you're ready."

Will sighed a breath of relief, "I don't know if I am ready, but I know that I want to share it all with you."

You rolled slightly so you were facing him, giving him your full attention, "then share it with me."

Will took a deep breath and began recounting the thing he desperately needed to tell you - "before the Kraken hunted us, I was on board the Flying Dutchman, Jack sent me there to uncover a key to a chest."

"The key to his heart, right?" you asked, "I know the legend."

Will nodded, "yes, the same. And I found it, but I also found something else on that ship."

"What did you find?" you asked.

He didn't know why he was nervous, but he couldn't meet your eyes, "my father."

You opened your mouth in shock, "what?"

Will finally met your eyes, "he was cursed, everyone thought he was dead, but he made a deal with Davy Jones to serve on his ship to postpone his death."

You gripped his hand tightly in support, "I don't know if finding him was a blessing or a curse," you said in understanding, "to see him, but be able to do nothing about his fate."

Will nodded, "I want to free him."

"Of course you do," you placed your hand on his cheek, "of course you would want to free your father."

"I promised him I would," Will responded, hopeful you would support his plan, "I want to help Jack with his plan to kill Davy Jones and set my father free."

You thought for a moment, a new revelation coming to light, "Jack's plan?"

Will noticed your change in expression, "it was what he was trying to do when the Kraken got him."

You sat up, pulling away from him, "that's why you wanted to come here, so he could go through with his plan. Is that why everyone has chosen to help him now?"

Will was taken aback by your tone, "No, I-"

But you stood up, turning your back, "I can't-" but before you could continue Tiadoma spoke loudly, "the Sparrow's are to be reunited."

You followed her gaze to a ridge of sand not far from where you stood and as the sun peaked for midday you saw a ship crest over the wave of sand and sail straight into the salty sea.

The Sister of Jack Sparrow: Book 2 (Pirates of the Caribbean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now