Chapter 4

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"We need to get Will from the island," you said, allowing Barbossa to steer at the helm, "he will have secured the charts by now."

Elizabeth stood next to you, "could we not have asked Sao Feng for the charts?"

Barbossa shook his head with a laugh, but it was you that answered her, "those charts lead to more than just Davy Jones's locker," you explained, "he would never have given them up willingly."

Elizabeth nodded in understanding, "where else does it lead?"

"To every pirate treasure on Earth," you said with a smile, "legends like the fountain of youth, cities of gold, places of fantasy."

Elizabeth smiled, "we will sail there, after the war is over?"

You returned her smile, "we'll go everywhere." Elizabeth let herself dream of sailing with you forever, but then her heart sank as she realized that was never in the cards. You would never forgive her once you learned of her betrayal.

Barbossa interpreted your thoughts, "we're coming up on the island, your precious Will should be here."

You nodded and looked off into the water, the sun was setting, but you saw the shadow of a small row boat as it got closer. Mr. Gibbs and the other crew members pulled the dingy up and you embraced Will as he got off.

He handed the charts to Barbossa, one arm still wrapped around you. "Get us to Jack," he said simply. You had learned to forgive Barbossa for what he did, but Will never would.

Elizabeth ran up to both of you, wrapping you in a group hug, "Will, I am glad you are safe," she said, pulling away.

He smiled at her and nodded to Barbossa, "keep an eye on him, will you?"

Her smile faded slightly, but she nodded and walked towards Barbossa who had yet to open the folded charts. "Come on," Will whispered to you, leading you into the Captain's quarters.

"I know you don't trust Barbossa," you said, taking a seat on the bed and watching Will take off his boots, "but we need him."

"Then I will kill him once we get Jack," he said gruffly, flopping on the bed next to you.

You rolled over, leaning your head on your elbow, "Will-"

He sighed, "I will never forgive him for taking you from me," he said, reaching up to brush his fingertips on your cheek. "I hated him everyday after you died, I blamed him for your death and holding onto my hatred of him was the only thing that kept me from missing you so badly it hurt."

"I'm so sorry," you whispered, "I never meant-"

"I know, baby," he soothed, "I know you were protecting us and I never expected anything less than you." He pulled you close, letting your head rest on his chest, "I had Elizabeth and Jack, eventually they helped me try and move on. I never moved on, but getting up everyday was easier. Jack turned to rum and Elizabeth and I just slowly tried to forget."

He trailed off and you looked up at him, "have I made it harder, by coming back? Because I couldn't blame you if you moved on."

"No," he said immediately, "I am so glad you're back." There was more he wanted to say, but he sighed, "I never moved on, I thought about you everyday."

You curled closer to him, Will placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head and you drifted off to sleep. Will wanted to tell you about everything that happened while you were dead, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, finding Jack was your priority, so it was also his. He wasn't sure how either of you would react, Jack wasn't really the same after your death, and he feared telling you that. But he let you sleep soundly as Barbossa sailed the ship into unknown waters. 

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