Chapter 6

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Flashback - Jack and Elizabeth's POV

Jack watched Elizabeth as she held a rifle tightly on her shoulder, bearing down on the Kraken that attacked the Pearl. The way she held it was so sure of herself, so confident and free. He smiled despite the circumstances. He told himself at first that Elizabeth reminded him of his dear Sparrow, but at some point he came to realize that there was something else there, something he did not expect.

Elizabeth took her aim and shot at the barrels of rum that were suspended from the mast, causing a large explosion as the Kraken's tentacles wrapped around the cargo net. The blast threw her off balance and she went tumbling down the deck.

Jack was at her side in an instant. "Elizabeth?" he whispered, shaking her body slightly.

Will joined them at his side, kneeling down next to you and placing a few fingers on her neck. But she breathed deeply, jumping upright.

"You're alright," Jack said and she embraced him tightly.

"Is it dead?" she asked, finally pulling away from Jack's arms.

Will shook his head, "we bought ourselves some time, but it will be back," he explained, "we have to get off this ship."

Jack nodded in agreement and pulled Elizabeth to her feet. "Then we go, there is one dingy that can take us to that island," he said, pointing in the distance.

"That's a lot of open water," Gibbs said, joining them with what remained of their crew.

"We don't have a choice," Will responded sadly, "it's our only chance."

"Aye," Gibbs agreed, immediately rounding up the crew and preparing to lower the dingy.

Will nodded to Jack and Elizabeth before helping the others lower the boat onto the water slowly and climbing aboard.

Elizabeth approached Jack as he stood taking one last look at his beloved Pearl. "It was for her, you know," he whispered as Elizabeth placed a comforting hand on his back, "she loved this ship."

She knew he was talking about Sparrow. "I know, Jack," she responded, leaning her head on his shoulder.

He turned around, wrapping his arms around her. "Elizabeth," he whispered.

She leaned in closely, he couldn't see the tears in her eyes as she pressed her lips to his. She loved Jack, or at least the idea of him. She loved how free she felt when she was with him, and she loved that he was the man his sister wanted him to be, but she set it aside to save everyone else.

Jack pulled away as a loud click sounded. He looked down to see that Elizabeth had used irons to chain his hand to the ladder on board the ship. Elizabeth pulled away and he finally saw the tears in her eyes, "it's after you Jack, not the ship," she explained, "can't you see it's the only way?"

Jack's heart ached, not because he was now stuck, but because of how hurt Elizabeth looked. "I have to save Will," she whispered, "she would want me to."

At those words, Jack finally felt the ache in his stomach. It wasn't about Elizabeth saving herself, which he would have gladly died for her, but it was about saving Will. Elizabeth didn't love him, she chose Will.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

He smiled through his pain, he didn't let her see it, "now you're a pirate too," he whispered in response.

She took in a deep breath and turned away, wiping her tears from her cheeks as she descended into the boat and took a seat next to Will. "Where is Jack?" he asked.

Elizabeth shuddered as the guilt already set in, "he elected to stay behind to give us a chance," she lied.

Will looked shocked and stood up, "that's-"

Elizabeth pulled him back to a seated position, "we have to go Will, the Kraken will be back any second."

Will looked conflicted, he knew Sparrow wouldn't want him to leave Jack behind. "Go!" Elizabeth shouted, using the oar to push away from the Pearl.

"Elizabeth-" Will protested.

She couldn't stop the tears any more. Will thought they were for Jack, but really all Elizabeth could think about was leaving her best friend's brother, the man she loved, behind to die. Will wrapped her in a tight hug as she cried into his chest.

Jack pulled on the restraints that bound him to the ship as the tentacles of the Kraken rose up the ship's sides once again. When he finally pulled free, he faced down the Kraken with courage, drawing his sword. "I'll see you soon, my Sparrow," he whispered before charging the beast and certain death. 

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