Chapter 9

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Elizabeth looked at you in shock, she opened her mouth, but quickly closed it, unsure what to say.  You walked from Will and Jack’s side and stood inches from Elizabeth.  “Is it true?” you asked, there was no sign of friendship in your voice, only pure betrayal and rage.  She said nothing.  You spoke louder, commanding, “did you kill my brother?”

A tear rolled down her cheeks, “I-”

You cut her off, “is it true?”

Her voice broke, “yes.”

You slapped her hard across the face, you could have done more damage with a punch, but you wanted the humiliation of the slap to add insult to the injury.  Elizabeth fell to her knees in the sand, holding her stinging face, “please, I-”

You lowered yourself to her level, “I don’t care why you did it, I don’t care if you didn’t mean to, I only care that you sent him here, that you took him from me, and that you lied to me about it.”

Elizabeth said nothing, she only silently cried as you walked away.  Will was next to you, a look of pain on his face.  He opened his mouth but you turned on him, “did you know?”

Will looked shocked, shocked at Elizabeth’s confession, shocked at your actions, shocked that you now threatened to turn that anger on him, “of course not.”

You gripped the edges of his shirt, more pleading than angry now.  More fearful that the love of your life had also killed your brother.  You could not take that kind of betrayal, you stared into his eyes, silently begging him to be telling the truth. 

He gripped your hands as they tangled in his shirt, “I swear to you I did not know.”  You might have collapsed from relief except another wave of anger at Elizabeth washed over you. You let go of Will’s shirt and gripped his hand tightly, pulling him with you back to Jack. 

“Bring her.  Leave her,” you said to him, “take your revenge if you must.  But she is nothing to me anymore.”

Jack grabbed your free hand, “Sparrow, she was-”

You stopped him, “I don’t want to hear it Jack, I don’t want to know why she felt it was necessary-”

Jack stopped you, “I may not agree with her methods, but she chose to save Will over me.”  Even Will looked shocked for a moment as he looked back at Elizabeth still crying silently in the sand.  “The Kraken was coming, she knew if I remained on the ship that it would give them enough time to escape.  She made a choice, and she chose Will for you.”

Will’s eyes softened at the revelation, but he remained at your side, squeezing your hand tightly.  You leaned closer to Jack, the weight of the betrayal still heavy as a tear ran down your cheek, “she lied to me,” you let another tear fall, “she lied and led us all here to assuage her own guilt and she didn’t even have the gall to explain to me what really happened, even when I asked.”

You didn’t look back at Elizabeth as you led Will to the dingy with the others waiting at a respectful distance. 

Jack waited a moment, contemplating before walking to Elizabeth and kneeling next to her.  She looked up, tears still staining her cheeks, “I am sorry you know,” her voice broke, “I made a choice, but my feelings-”

“Don’t,” Jack interrupted, “don’t say you cared for me, don’t say you love me.”


“I can’t Elizabeth,” he said quietly, “I can’t hear it.  As you walked away from me and as you rowed away from the ship all I could think of was how you had chosen Will over me, that I had learned to love something again and you walked away.  And now my sister, the only one who ever truly loved me is back, and I will not be distracted from a moment with her, not for someone who used me as you did.”

Elizabeth nodded in understanding, or at least acceptance as Jack pulled her to her feet.  “Perhaps one day she will forgive you,” he said, “I have moved on, so let’s both pretend it never happened - any of it.”

Her heart broke, but Elizabeth nodded, following him in silence as he boarded the dingy with the others.  You didn’t say one word to her, you didn’t even look at her, and perhaps you could be grateful for Will’s life, but you weren’t sure if there was room for forgiveness. 

You said nothing during the short trip to the Pearl, said nothing until you were tucked next to Will in the captain’s quarters bed, the waves gently rocking.  “Why did she choose you?” you asked, “not that I am not grateful for you to be alive.”

He pulled you tightly to him, “I don’t know.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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