Chapter 8

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The ship hovered right off the coast, whatever magic of the locker held the ship close to the beach you didn't question. The ship was no doubt the Black Pearl and you saw a man jump from the side of the ship and swim swiftly to shore.

Your brother was ashore in a manner of minutes and you wasted no time running to him and wrapping him a tight hug, "Jacky, I thought-"

Jack relaxed in your arms for a moment before seeing the rest of the crew gathered behind you. "And here I thought I could finally sail the seas with my beloved sister - alone," he said, pulling out of your embrace, but still holding you close to him, like if he let go you might disappear.

"We've come to rescue you," Elizabeth said, "we all have."

Jack shuddered at her voice, "funny." Then he turned back to you ignoring the others, "what do you say we finally see the world little Sparrow?"

You smiled, "Jacky, I would want nothing more, but-"

Gibbs finally broke the silence, "cap'an you're in Davy Jones locker."

Jack rolled his eyes, "I know that."

"He thinks we're an illusion," Will realized.

"You are," Jack said over his shoulder before turning back to you, "but I don't want to waste another minute of my eternity not spending it with you little Sparrow."

A tear stung your eye at the pain your brother had been through, "Jacky, it's true, we've come to rescue you."

"Not you too," he sighed, "you're... you'" he couldn't bring himself to say it, "you aren't real."

You grabbed his face in your hands, "I'm here Jacky, I'm real. Tiadoma brought me back and Barbossa brought me to you."

"Barbossa?" Jack said, his face turning in anger, "I should kill him again for my own satisfaction even if he isn't real."

Barbossa chuckled from his place beside Tiadoma, "I thought you said bringing him back would be easy."

Tiadoma shrugged, "I thought his sister being here would make it easier."

You finally forced Jack to look you in the eyes, "I'm here Jack, I'm real, and I'm here to bring you back."

Jack refused to believe you, refused to let any sort of hope in being with his sister again set in. He learned the pain and pointlessness of hope and he couldn't let it back in. He shook his head, "my sister is dead."

Then he walked away towards the ship, leaving you behind, like he couldn't bring himself to look at you anymore, the pain was too great. You fell to your knees in the sand as you watched your brother walk away, memories of the first time he left you flashing in your brain.

Will was beside you in an instant pulling you close to his chest. "You're going to leave her here like this?" Will asked, pulling his attention.

Jack didn't look back, "you should know better than anyone what hope can do to a man, William." Then he continued towards the ship, his boots hitting the water.

"He cannot leave without us," Tiadoma said, "the pearl is our only hope of escaping here."

You pushed out of Will's arms and ran towards Jack, pulling him back into the sand and pulling your sword from your side, "I am leaving here, with you." he looked shocked, "I didn't come back from the dead to watch my brother leave on that stupid ship again."

Jack pulled his sword from his side as well, "alright, if you defeat me in combat, I will go with you wherever you say." He rubbed the side of his sword on yours, letting the metallic ring fill the air, "and when you aren't real, I won't say I told you so."

You wasted no time crashing your sword against his, repeatedly beating him backwards, "come on Jacky, don't take it easy on me."

He smiled and quickened the pace, but only slightly, like he was still afraid to hurt you. You took advantage, knocking his sword to the side. You landed a fist to the side of his jaw and he stumbled in shock, "that's for walking away from me," you hit him again, harder this time, "that is for turning your back on me," then you landed a kick to his chest, knocking him down into the sand, "and that is so you know it's really me."

Jack held a hand to his jaw and he looked at you in complete shock, "it really is you, little sparrow."

You nodded with a smile, "I came to rescue you."

He jumped from the ground and wrapped you in a fierce hug, crushing you into him. You could feel tears from his cheeks collide with your shoulder as he hugged you tighter. "I can't believe you're alive."

You returned his embrace and stood there for a moment, letting the familiarity wash over both of you. When your moment was over, Jack walked back with you to the others. "I supposed I should thank you for bringing my sister to me," he said to Tiadoma.

"You're welcome-" Barbossa interrupted.

Jack lunged at him, but you held him back, "of course she wouldn't have been lost if it wasn't for you!"

"My past sins-" he began.

"Save it," Will interjected, "how do we get back?"

"We take the Pearl and use the charts acquired from Sao Fang to solve the riddle of the locker," Barbossa explained.

Jack shook his head, "since it's my ship only those I choose will come aboard."

Barbossa's smile faded, "since I have the charts, you'll need me."

Jack rolled his eyes, turning to each member of the crew, "Gibbs, you can come. Tiadoma, you can come. Will...I supposed you can come," he said with a smile.

Will chuckled and joined you at your side. "You scare me," Jack continued. "Most of you have tried to kill me, ah and there is the one that succeeded," he said, his gaze landing on Elizabeth.

Your world crashed for a moment as Jack's words sunk in, "you what?" 

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