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i opened my eyes to see rafe who was staring at me. he had a cute smile that i could never forget. i just loved that smile he had. i didn't realize how hard i was blushing at him til i caught myself smirking at him.

"hi" i said and kissed him. he pulled me back in and started making out with me. he pulled back but before he could say anything his door swung wide open.

"hey hope your not naked. i need you y/n" sarah mumbled marching in.

"like now" she yelled. i got up.

"sarah come on all i said to her was hi" rafe said dragging me down. sarah walked over.

"it'll be very quick. she'll be back. just wait. be patient" sarah said really fast. she pushed to her room but playfully.

"what's wrong" i started laughing. she's acting crazy. she closed the door and started pacing around while fidgeting with her hand.

"have you notice that i've been M.I.A or no" she asked me still pacing.

"yes but i didn't much thought to it" i replied.

"well i was with john b. we went to chapel hill for fun you know. tickets were sold out. we snuck in, it was so hot. we went shopping. he's going on a treasure hunt. i kissed him. he kissed me. and now i-" sarah said really fast before i stopped her.

"you're mumbling and saying too much information i need time to process" i said. it was silent for ten seconds and i got up.

"you and john b?" i said and she nodded her head.

"what about topper?" i asked.

"i i i don't know y/n" she said and sat on the floor. i sat down next to her.

"maybe you need time to think it all out?" i asked.

"topper will freak out sarah"

"i know but john b is different y/n. he's just.."

"not topper" i said and looked at her

"he's not topper" she whispered.

"just know whatever you do, if you breakup with topper or john b i will be here supporting you every step" i said and pulled her in for a hug. she smiled.

"i love you y/n" she said.
"love you back sarah cameron" i replied

"now got any clothes for me to steal?" i said getting up. she laughed and got up to lend me clothes.

"what about this?" she asked holding up a blue mom jeans and a baby pink crop top

"thanks, im gonna go change" i said

i walked out and went into rafe's room to change

he was out of bed, brushing his teeth. i closed the door and took off rafes shirt. i can feel him staring at me. i was gonna put on the pink crop top before rafe rushed over.

"woah hold up. you think you can just take off your shirt and then put on another one right away?" he asked pulling me in for a hug.

"stop it rafe" i said and changed.

"how do i look"

"like my sister" he said disgustedly

"i probably shouldn't have said that"

"yeah probably shouldn't have"

"anyways, im gonna leave and head over to the chateau"

"already? i swear you leave me right away. you never want to hangout with me"

Rafe x y/n - I am at homeWhere stories live. Discover now