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 Tyler asks, "What are you doing out of your room?" and I reply, "...Getting water?" Kane immediately throws me over his shoulder, and I squeak in shock. 

"No, you aren't. Stay in bed, we'll get you water!" He says before going upstairs as I tell him to put me down. After a minute, he plops me down on my bed before covering me up. He then hands me my TV remote before saying, "Stay."

Yeah- I prefer when they pretend I don't exist... I am officially getting smothered, and I am not used to it. "Okay." I say after a minute, and he smiles before patting my head gently. Oliver walks in with a glass of water, "Here, Rosalie. I got you some water."

He hands it to me, and I take a sip before putting it on my end table before saying, "Thanks."

He smiles and then Kane walks out, "What are you planning on doing once I leave the room?" "I don't know- I am very bored."

"I'll stay in here with you and keep you entertained." He winks and I give him a death glare before he laughs, "Just kidding. But still- I am willing to stay here with you if you need company." I nod, 'You can stay."

"Really?" He asks, shocked. "Yeah," I reply as he starts to smile. "Why not? You aren't annoying nor smothering me and it is too quiet and lonely without a soul outside of mine that ain't one of my brothers."

 He lets out a chuckle before sitting on my chair and asking, "What are we watching?" "I don't know... you can pick. And, you can come into my bed if you want so you can be more comfortable."

"Okay." He starts to get up but then I say, "But first, you have to change into a pair of Tyler or Kane's pajamas." He nods and walks out of the room, returning a minute later with neatly folded clothes. 

"Where is the bathroom?" He asks and I point in the direction of my bathroom, yes- I have a bathroom only I can use... I never let anyone use it but he is an exception. "Thanks."

He goes into the bathroom and closes the door. I wait patiently and he returns a few minutes later, in a black pajama set. "Nice pajamas." I say and he replies, "Thanks." He plops down next to me on the bed and grabs the remote before searching everywhere for... something? 

After a while, he finally finds it and it is Tom and Jerry. "You like Tom and Jerry?" I ask, confused.

"Yes, ma'am." He replies and I think, Strange- never thought of him as the type to like childish cartoon shows. Especially one about a cat and mouse. I shake my head amused, and then scoot closer to him, my head against his chest. 

"What are you doing?" He tenses up and I could hear his heart skipping beats a lot, and his voice starts shaking. "Relax. I am just trying to get warmth." I say and then he relaxes, the tenseness quickly going away.

He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close so I can feel more comfortable and get more warmth. We stay in that position as Tom keeps chasing Jerry unsuccessfully all over the place. After a while, I begin to feel tired and my eyes close.

Oliver's Pov

"Rosalie, do you want me to change the show?" I get no response so I look to see her asleep, her head still on my chest, and I begin to chuckle before saying, "Nevermind."

 I go back to watching Tom and Jerry and after a while, I begin to yawn. I grab my phone and check the time, 22:00. I turn my phone off and feel my eyes close.

I wake up to a light room, it is morning. I lay there as I look at Rosalie's sleeping body... she is so tiny and adorable. I then begin to hear a bunch of noises downstairs and I freeze, realizing it is the boys... shit. 

I have to leave the room so they don't know about Rosalie. I carefully get out of her arms and tiptoe out of the room before closing the door. I walk downstairs to see Regie, Darren and Justin standing across from Tyler and Kane... what are they doing here?

"Hey guys," I say before they look at me. "What are you doing here?" "We were getting worried about you and Kane so we came to ask Tyler if you both were here... and you guys are. Are you ready to go?" 

Justin looks me up and down before adding, "I hope you aren't... go get dressed." I have forgotten that I have no shirt on.

"You three go without me- I will go home with Tyler and Kane as they are gonna be coming over to our house, too." I say and they nod before walking out. 

"Where is Rosalie?" Kane asks me and I reply, "Asleep in her bed." He nods and then I hurry upstairs and open her bedroom door before slowly going into her bathroom, changing back into my regular clothes.

I walk back into her room and see her sitting up. "Oh... good morning, Oliver." She says before yawning.

"Morning, Rosalie." I say before sitting down next to her on her bed, "Is it tomorrow already?" "Yeah, but you should stay in bed." "No... I have to get up. 

Tyler's making me go with him to your place... the boys will know or be very suspicious so I think it is a bad idea." She sighs and I reply, "You'll be fine- if they try anything, they'll have to deal with us." 

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