Chapter 3.

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Reece's POV

They found him.

They found my Emerson. Since she took him away nothing has been the same.

Just an hour ago I was in my office filing paperwork when I got a phone call. The police had just arrested Jasmine and Emerson was in need of a guardian.

My son. My baby was finally found. 

I bring out my phone calling my oldest son. He answers after the third ring. 

"Hello." He speaks. 

"Atlas I need you and Veroinica to come over to the house and watch the boys." I start to gather up my stuff trying to leave this office building as quickly as possible. 

"Dad, the boys are teenagers they don't need a babysitter," Atlas argues with me in a deadpan-like tone. 

"They don't need a babysitter but you and Veronica need to be at the house when I return tonight." I leave my office getting in the elevator not bothering to tell my assistant. She knows better than to question me. 

"Where are you going?" He asks me. I stay silent for a minute. "Dad?"

"They found Emerson. I'm going to get him." I tell him. I hear him take in a breath and he stays silent for the entire elevator ride. 

"Are you sure?" He asks after the ding. 

"They did a DNA test and sent over a picture. It's him." I say walking towards the parking garage. 

"Are you going to tell the boys?" He asks me. I pause before answering not sure. Obviously, the boys will find only Atlas doesn't live with me, but should I tell them in person or not?

"I'll tell them before going to the jet." I decide. I get in my car and turn it on, Atlas tells me he'll head over in a minute. I get to my house in record time not bothering to follow any known traffic laws. 

I pull up the tires screeching as I break. I hurry inside calling for my boys to get downstairs. Everyone came down grumbling sitting on the couch glaring at me. 

"I found Emerson," I say interrupting their complaints. They all go silent staring at me. 

"What?" Griffin, my second youngest son, says. 

"Jasmine got arrested, they did a DNA test and they called me," I explain a bit further. 

"When are you going?" Knox asks. 

"They are getting the jet ready as we speak," I tell him. 

"Whose going with you?" Griffin asks with a small smile on his face. All of my sons were affected when I got divorced but losing Emerson was the biggest hit. As the years went on and we couldn't find him their moods got worse and they seemed to be more angry. 

"None of you," I say. All 5 of them stood up yelling that they wanted to go and varying reasons to they deserved to go. "Quiet! Emerson most likely won't remember any of us. The less we can overwhelm him the better." I reason with them. They all go silent and sit back down keeping their grievances to themselves. 

"Now Atlas and Veronica are going to be coming over," I tell them. "I need you all to get his room ready." They nod. 

I leave the house not bothering to tell Atlas. He'll find out when he gets here. I drive to the airstrip, parking my car on the strip itself. I get out meeting the pilot halfway. I let him know where we are going. 

We get on the plane. I sit down in a chair attached to a table. I get out my phone and text different things to Atlas for him to get and do with Emerson's room. 

One problem, how do I explain I'm the boss of the American mafia to him? Like I mentioned to my sons he probably doesn't remember us he has no trust in us. Mentioning that I kill people, and run a whole underground world won't go over well with the whole trust-building thing. 

The plane lands in less than an hour. I get out and order a car to drive me to the police station. I get out in front of the station. I walk inside and head to the front desk. 

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" A woman asks looking at me. 

"I'm Reece Stone. I was called about my son Emerson." I tell her. She nods and calls someone on her phone telling them I'm here. Less than a minute later, a younger woman walks towards me. 

"Hello, Mr. Stone. I'm Chelsea your son's case worker. Please come with me." She leads me back to an office. She sits down and brings out a set of paperwork. "We have a few things to discuss before I have you sign anything. 

I nod for her to continue. 

"First, Emerson is mute. We believe it to be selectively mute, his medical record indicates no accident but we were wondering if you had any insight on that?" 

"He could talk when he was younger," I tell her. 

"Ok, thank you. We found large amounts of drugs and alcohol around the house and signs of neglect. I recommend to exercise extreme caution when talking with him and be patient. He has been homeschooled and from what we can tell isolated most of his life. Large crowds of people might be triggering for him so taking baby steps would be the best thing." 

"Of course."

"Well if you have no questions, then I think we can get on with the signing. " I nod to the paperwork. She goes over each sheet of paper showing me where to sign. I technically already have custody of him but with him missing things could get complicated if Jasmine ever tries anything.

After signing everything Chealsea led me to another office and allowed me to open the door. 

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