Chapter 26.

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Emerson's POV

I don't know what to do. My family is part of some dangerous criminal thing. It's the next morning. I didn't sleep last night every time I closed my eyes my head was filled with the different possibilities all of them ending in me dying. 

I got ready for school today, when I went down for breakfast I couldn't make myself talk to them. None of them seemed to notice my silence and continued on with their mornings. A usual Saint drove us to school, I left the car quickly trying to get inside as quickly as possible. 

I made my way to my class sitting down. I went on my phone trying to distract myself, I bounced my knee under the table. 

"Hey man," I looked up to see James taking the set next to me. "It cool if I sit with you guys at lunch again?" 

I shrug, he nods and goes on his phone. 

Soon enough class starts, and I don't focus much. The thoughts of a horrible death plague me and draw my attention away from every word the teacher says. 

The bell suddenly ringing startles me out of the latest fantasy of being drowned. 

I rush off to my next class, I almost make it inside when I hear Griffin call out to me from behind. I tense up and turn around. 

"Emerson, tonight we're all going be out will you and Valencia be fine home alone?" He asks me. I nod. He seems satisfied and walks away from me allowing me to go to my class. 

I wonder why they're all going to be gone. They are probably going to kill someone and dump their body in another country. 

I walk into my class sitting next to James. Classes run on and I can't find it in me to listen. Valencia tried asking me what was wrong in fourth but I wasn't able to give her a response. 

We went to lunch Markus and James talked the whole time while I stared off at the wall. The noises around me blended together creating a ringing noise in my ears. 

"Emerson." A clear, gentle voice was heard next to me. I shook my head and looked to my side, where Valencia was staring at me worried. The boys were still deep in conversation. 

"You okay?" She asked me, her mismatched eyes holding clear worry still in them. I nodded trying to convince us both. She didn't look convinced at all but nodded along anyway. 

The bell rang as we all walked off. 

It was the last class of the day, study hall for me. I sat down in my usual seat, I closed my eyes leaning my head back. My eyes shoot open when the seat next to me is taken. I look over to see Valencia sitting next to me instead of her normal seat. 

I look at her in question. She only shrugs at me and starts working on schoolwork. I follow her lead and begin working on my homework. 

"So I was thinking since we'll be on our own tonight. Maybe we could watch a movie together." Valencia breaks the 20 minutes of silence. I look at her to see her already staring at me. I think about it for a second. 

Hold up in my room for hours on end anxiously thinking about who they're killing, or sit through a movie or two with Valencia. 

I finally nod at her giving my answer. 

She gives me a small smile and goes back to her work. We sit there in comfortable silence working until the bell rings. 

We both stay behind for a second to avoid the eager rush. I walk out first, and I head straight to Saint's car. I hop in once the door unlocks. Saint shows up a second later with Griffin. Valencia is walking a few feet behind them. 

Saint drives us to the house. The two boys rush off into the house not giving anything a second thought. I go up to my room. 

I hear the front door open a few more times when finally Reece calls me downstairs. 

"Hey Emerson, we're heading out. If you need us just give us a call." He tells me, I nod and head back up the stairs. 

A few minutes later a gentle knock on my door draws me away from my TV. I get up and walk over to see Valencia standing in front of me. 

"Hey, I was thinking we could watch our movie now. If you're not doing anything." She looks a little nervous while she talks. I nod and move back into my room turning off my TV and following her to the living room. 

We both sit down on opposite sides of the couch while she scrolls on Netflix. She stops occasionally to read a blurb before moving on. Eventually, she stops on something called 'Burlesque'. 

"Do mind?" She looks at me clearly hoping to watch it. I motion my hands in a go-ahead motion. Valencia smiles brightly at me and clicks on the movie. 

I look forward to watching the musical. It's not bad but definitely not what I would have chosen. Valencia watches the movie on the edge of her seat singing gently along with the songs. I sneak a glance at her as she watches the movie smiling. I can't help but smile at her. Her smile is so beautiful. 

It's gentle, warm and kind. She has a small wrinkle on her face that disappears when not smiling. Her lips curl up almost disappearing when she smiles. Suddenly she looks over at me. 

"What?" She asks dropping her smile. I shake my head and go back to the movie as the couple breaks up. Why does every movie romance end the same? They are happy then someone does something stupid and they break up for a few days and then get back together. 

She says nothing and we go back to watching the movie. I get up a few minutes later heading to the kitchen to make popcorn. While I'm waiting I grab me and Valencia a drink. I get myself a water but for her, I make her a Shirley Temple. Every night at dinner she makes herself a Shirley Temple. 

I bring the movie snacks back into the living room. I sit in the seat next to her and set the popcorn in between us. I set her drink in front of her. 

She goes to grab it when she stops and looks at me. 

"You made me a Shirley Temple." She says with obvious surprise in her voice. 

I nod and go back to the movie. We continue to watch eating the popcorn between us. When the movie is over Valencia hands me the remote. 

"Your turn to pick." I nod and scroll through looking for something. I click on an older-looking movie called 'Dark Shadows'. We watch the movie sharing popcorn still. 

Eventually, I noticed Valencia hadn't taken a drink or grabbed any popcorn in a while. I look over to see she's fallen asleep on the couch. I stand quietly and turn off the TV I pick up the cups and bowl. I set them on the counter to wash later. 

I stand over Valencia contemplating what I should do. Sleeping on the couch won't be the worst thing, but when the others get home they might wake her up. 

I reach my arm under her knees and the other under her back. I still for a second when she shuffles. I lift her up, I carefully take her upstairs focusing on not dropping her. I make it to her room, which thankfully has an open door. 

Walking inside I lay her down on her bed. I cover her with a fluffy blanket at the foot of her bed. I walk out of her room shutting the door quietly, cringing when it makes a loud click noise. 

I head back to my room for the night. 

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