Chapter 10.

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Emerson's POV

Weekends were always a death sentence. It was a reason for Mom to be home, and for her to celebrate. Her drinking and everything about her was ten times worse on the weekend. 

Here it seems some of my previous chaos has followed me. 

I guess a house with 7, or 8 people now, is never quiet unless it is empty, but this has to be a record. This morning I was woken up at 7 am by screaming and music. I never realized how tiring school was so I was happy that I could sleep in if even for a little more. 

I went out to see Blaine had turned on his speaker's full volume and he and Leon got into an argument. They were both yelling at each other in the hallway. I was the first one to investigate, great. 

Knox came after me and continued to stand there and watch the two throw insults at each other. Neither Saint nor Griffin are able to come out before Reece walks over to the two. He does nothing but stand near the two before they stop yelling. 

"Blaine," Reece says. Blaine walks off into his room, the speakers get turned off and he comes back out in the hall. 

"He started it." Leon pointed his finger at Blaine. Blaine has his back to me but anyone in the world could hear the eye roll. 

"I don't care who started it. Blaine you did it on purpose don't even try to deny it. Leon, you are older. Neither one of you should be starting fights at 7 in the morning." Reece said, his voice remained calm and stable. He never raised his voice nor showed his true emotions towards them. 

Neither of them had a response only they went back to their rooms after nodding at Reece. I walked back to my room and laid down. I turned on my TV and lay there watching it until a reasonable time. 

I went downstairs eventually to get food. Reece was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. 

"Morning," Reece said. I nod at him. "Knox and Leon are coming with me for some work things. Griffin is going out with friends, and Blaine is going to be staying here with you." I love being stuck with the only other who had made his demise of me clear. 

I nod at Reece and start making myself some toast. We sit in silence him occasionally looking at me as he drinks his coffee. 

I eat my toast and head back up to my room, maybe if I act like I'm not here he'll leave me alone. I go to my bathroom and decide to take a shower.  I take off my shirt and stare at the healing bruises in the mirror. 

Most of my bruises are healed up but a few are still an ugly green and yellow. The cuts are healed with only a pink line still visible. My skin is still pale showing the years of being stuck inside. The white lines of scars litter my body. Some are sort from bottles being stabbed rather than thrown. Some are jagged from being dragged down my skin. 

Every single scar has a horrible memory attached. I could tell you what every single scar is from and what I did to 'deserve it'. The one on my shoulder it's one of the lighter ones but still visible if you're looking. It's a straight line, smooth, Mom came home one day when I was 10. I hadn't done the laundry so she pushed me into the coffee table. The table had a really sharp edge, when I landed on it the edge cut me. 

I stand in front of the mirror until it fogs up from the hot shower. After my shower, I get dressed in some sweatpants and a short-sleeved shirt. I sit on my bed watching TV, I explore my phone some more. Reece set up my phone with his and my brother's numbers, including Veronica's. 

Reece comes by a bit later letting me know they are leaving and that Griffin is already gone. I stay in my room. I guarantee I won't have to leave at all today. I ate breakfast, that should hold me over for a while. I have a bathroom and some stuff to keep me busy, I'm good. 

A few hours pass by before I hear any noise from either remaining brother. It's a knock on my door that lets me know at least one of them is still alive. I look at the door debating on opening it. Another more adamant, knock gives me my answer. I get up and walk over to my door before the person just barges in. 

I open the door to see the worst outcome. Blaine. Blaine stands there in front of me with his usual scowl. He doesn't wait and just pushes past me into my room. He heads over to my bed and pauses my show. 

I close the door and look at him waiting for him to talk. 

"What is your problem?" He asks me. 

I shrug my shoulders. 

"Don't give me that bullshit. You talked to me." I nod following along with him. His face shows that he doesn't like my response very much. "Cut that out. Why don't you talk?" 

He stands there with his arms crossed staring at me. We stand there looking at each other for a solid minute before he sighs. 

"What happened to you?" His face softens surprising me. "Selective mutism is caused by mainly trauma." 

I look at him in shock at how he knows that "I googled it." He shrugs keeping his arms crossed. 

"Listen, I'm trying here. We thought you were dead, or we would never see you again. I have all of these memories of my baby brother and you don't even know my middle name. I knew that when we got you back not everything would be the same, but I was hoping." He stops himself. 

"I would be the same." I finish for him whispering it. He looks at me and nods. 

"That may be selfish but you're my little brother. You have obviously been hurt by someone and I can't help you." Blaine looks at me. 

"It was Mom," I whisper. 

"What?"He asks me, his arms dropped to be by his side.

"She did it. She got into drugs a few years later. She used to beat me when I spoke, I learned if I stayed quiet it helped a little." I admit to him. I've never told anyone what Mom did, never had anyone to listen.

"Why didn't you say something?" 

"Never had anyone to listen. I was kept inside the whole time. Not like anyone cares that much." 

"Do you know why Jasmine and Dad divorced?" He asks me, I shake my head. Never even knew she was married until a week ago. "One day when you were about three, Dad came home from work early. He saw Atlas and Leon crying in the living room. They told him that Mom was yelling at me and they were scared. Dad didn't understand but he came and found us anyway. He walked into my room right as Mom was leaving. He heard my crying. I was trapped in the closet she had locked me in as punishment." Blaine is looking at the wall behind me while he tells me the story. 

"Dad let me out and comforted me, he found the slap mark on my cheek from her. He confronted her and she admitted to him that she had hit almost all of us and had done similar punishments to the closet. Dad kicked her out and called his lawyer to start the divorce. With his claims of abuse and neglect custody was going to be rewarded to Dad. The court had each of us except you and Griffin tell them about the times Jasmine hurt us. When it was over Jasmine asked to see you one last time saying she wanted to say goodbye to her baby. The judge let her, when Dad went to go get you, you both were gone." 

We both sit in my room in silence staring at random things to avoid each other. 

"I'm not telling you this so that you feel guilty. I'm telling you this because you're not alone. Jasmine hurt all of us, you won't be judged or hurt while you live here." He walked past me towards the door. He stops in front of it about to say something before changing his mind and leaving me alone. 

I go and sit on my bed and stare at the window. 

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