Chapter Eleven

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"You know Greg? My brother?" I ask still shocked to what I discovered.

"Yeah, he's one of the drug dealers here in UK" Zayn said in a sad tone.

What. The. Actual. Fück.

"A what?!!" I shouted lifting my hands up, making the guards and Officer Styles move towards us.

"What is it Niall?" Officer Styles asked, with a serious tone on his voice.

I look at Officer Styles, "Do you know my brother is a drug dealer?" I ask him hopping it wasn't true.

His eyes widened as he call the guards "Guards find Greg Horan now!" Officer Styles said, muttering something that I didn't understand, he look at me "where do you have that kind of information?" He said as I pointed to Zayn. "Tell me all the informations Zayn" Harry said and Zayn just nodded and sit at the single chair, making me and Harry on the opposite.

Zayn sigh, "Okay, me and Louis met Greg few years ago, we're making a offered to buy his drugs, we didn't know where he came from, we just want the drugs to delivered safely, we didn't heard any news to him since he didn't make it to delivered our drugs, so we disregard the offer and find another dealer" Zayn gives out the a long breathe, my eyes are starting to burn as my tears runs to my cheeks.

"S-So he u-uses me a-as an e-export to his d-drugs?" I stuttered crying holding my both hands on my face.

"W-What?!" Zayn shouted and instantly launches himself to hug me tight, "shh baby, it's okay" He said rocking my body, I continue crying in his chest.

I look at him from his chest sobbing, "S-So he's just p-pretending that h-he c-cares about m-me?"

"I-I don't know baby" He kiss my forehead, my wet cheeks and my lips, he leaned our foreheads, "I don't know".

Harry sigh and clasped his hands together, "Okay guys, I need to investigate this, so you may now go to your respective cell" Harry stands and heads towards to other room.

We stand then the guards handcuffed us and lead us to our cell, Zayn head towards his cell and I went to mine, I take a deep breath and sigh, I need a shower to cleanse my anxiousness.

"Boss are you okay?" Liam asked still confused to what happen.

I sigh and nod, "I'm okay Liam, lets head to the shower" I said, he nods and leave.

"Niall, angel?" Zayn suddenly pops out in my cell, I give him a sad smile.

"Yes Zayn?" I ask, putting my towel and soap.

"You're going to take a shower?" He ask, I nod and move pass to Zayn, He holds my hand and I look at him with a question look, "I'll come with you then" he says smirking, I can feel the blush coming out to my pale face.

"O-Okay" I said trying to hide my blush, he grabs my hand and kiss it looking to me with his piercing honey eyes, I blush again and he leads me outside the cell holding my hands, followed by Liam.

"Liam guard the entrance for us" I ordered Liam, he nods and move to his position, Zayn leads me to the changing room and take off our clothes then we take the shower, looking each other admiring our bodies.

I trace all the tattoos to his wet arms, chest and stomach, "You're so beautiful Zayn" I said tracing the tattoos in his left hand and hold it.

Zayn caressed my wet face, sliding his hands to my chin down to my neck into my arms and hold my right hand, "You're beautiful too angel" he said as he kiss me to my soft lips and he pushes me slowly to the wall and lay our hands to the wall, he continue kissing me until he kissed my neck, I moan and tilting my head back as Zayn attacks my neck sucking and give a bite to it, licking it softly, "And you taste like heaven" Zayn purrs as he goes back to my mouth passionately, he leans to my ear, "I want to fück you right now" he said licking my earlobe, I can see the lust in his eyes when he look at me.

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