15- Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable

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Hazel woke up with a sense of fear. She felt as if her mother would come round the corner and try to hurt her, or worse. She got up quickly and had to sit for a minute until she understood where she was.

The day before, she had crashed in Frank's. She remembered going to his house. And now, there she was, in his living room.

A clock in the wall read five am. It wasn't too early, so Hazel got up. Her face still hurt, but it was much better than the day before.

She got up and prepared herself to start the day, and to start it nicely. She found her bag, which was dry now, and put on a lavender dress with small purple flowers and a white apron. She put her hair back with a purple bandana and laced her ballet shoes.

She danced and spinned until she reached the kitchen, where she found a broom and a dustpan. She planned to thank the Zhangs for helping her. 

While she danced to the music in her head, she sweeped the whole house until there was no crumb or dust spore in the floor. And when she was done, she mopped it all twice so it would shine.

Then, she grabbed a cloth and started to clean the kitchen. The oven, the fridge, the table and chairs, utensils... She rubbed it until it smelled clean and looked brand new.

After doing a pirouette, an arabesque and returning to the living room, she stared at the clock again. But it was still quarter to six, and the house was in uter silence.

Was else could she do?

So she cleaned the windows from the inside, and then from the outside, until she could barely notice there were windows anymore. And when she was done, she straightened her foot, pointing it up and lifting her leg, and wiped the surface again, this time with her feet grabbing the cloth.

After it, she put all the dirty clothes in the washing machine, hanged to dry all the wet ones and ironed the ones that were dry. She folded them and kept them in a basket.

And yet, it was only six. No one was up. And Hazel still had many songs to dance.

So she went to the bathroom doing a serie of chained turns. She grabbed the bleach and started to rub the toilet and the sink until they shone white. She kneeled and wiped the floor again and again, until it was perfect. She cleaned everything until it was all looking new and shiny.

After another hour of going around, dancing and cleaning every possible thing in the house, she realized she had nothing else to rub, or sweep.

But that didn't stop Hazel. She danced to the kitchen again and put a pan in the fire. She would cook breakfast too, just to thank them.

She decided to make french toast, because she had always liked it, and hoped everyone liked it too.

So she toasted the bread, cracked two eggs and dumped the toast in them. She also poured some milk and put the bread in it, too. Then she fried them all in the pan.

The french toast flew from the pan to a plate just as Hazel kept making more. When she had done enough to feed an army, she cleaned everything she had used. She put some plates on the table, in which she served the food. She sprinkled the toast with cinnamon and layed the table.

She had counted. It took Clarisse aproximately ten seconds to appear, running from her room, looking half-zombielike.

"What's that smell?" She asked

"Breakfast?" Hazel put a plate in front of her.

Clarisse didn't need to be told twice. She sat down and stuffed her nose, the fork forgotten at one side of the table.

Frank and his grandmother appeared no long after.

"Clarisse" The grandmother asked "Have you finally decided to do your chores and it's why the house it's looking so... clean?"

The girl shook her head, still with her mouth full, and pointed to Hazel.

"Um... Yeah..." Hazel let out a shaky laugh from the nerves "I had nothing to do and... well... it's my way to say thank you...  I mean... Breakfast?"

She shoved the plates to them so she would stop talking and not have a heart attack.

The family sat while Hazel stared, holding her apron, her feet in fifth position.

"I'm gonna have to hire you, this is unbelievable!" The woman praised "Sit down, darling, the food will get cold"

So she sat by them, akawardly eating one toast and staring at them.

Frank was just by her, eating more calmly than Clarisse. He had probably just woken up and wore a battered t-shirt and red shorts. His hair was ruffled, and Hazel felt the urge to place it. But she held herself. Not now, not there.

She got up and started to do the dished, washing quickly, her feet going through every position and doing relevé.

"How can you train so early?" Clarisse asked "Here, let me help with the dishes"

"Dancing isn't training, at least for me. It's my passion"

"A hard passion to fullfill" The older woman said.

"Well, I believe in myself" Hazel said, doing a pirouette and facing them "And, if I keep believeing, I'll be unstoppable"

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