18- Sometimes life is risking everything for a dream only you can see

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It was true. Hazel couldn't believe that her life could change so much in a week, but it was true.

It was currently the day before returning to the academy, and her chest was bubbling with nerves. But she was also excited, so much it was impossible for her to be steady.

That day, she had asked her dad to use the phone so she could call her friends. The first number she found was Annabeth's. She called, and the latter picked up in a second.

"Hazel!" She heard "We were worried!"

She laughed half-heartely and played with her hair.

"So many things happened..." She said.

"Well, spit it out!" Annabeth encouraged "I want to know everything!"

Hazel dug her nails into her palm.

"I don't want to talk about it right now" She mumbled.

"Oh, it's ok" Annabeth quickly changed the subject "So, what are you going to bring for the term?"

"Well, I was thinking that a ton of clothes, and a lot of feltips" She said.

"I'm going to bring my whole library" Annabeth said "I'll die if I don't have it with me"

So they chatted for a while about things that Hazel could not remember. Clothes, pointé, Percy Jackson and how much Annabeth pretended to loathe him.

Hazel ended the call and dressed up, making a mental note of calling Piper and Drew later on. She made herself two buns and put on a yellow dress that she had made herself. She put on her white apron and her espardilles before heading to the kitchen.

"Good morning, dad!" She smiled "Morning Nico"

The man and the boy both were half asleep, snoring over cups of coffee that had gone cold and pieces of burnt toast. She shook her head and reached for the oven.

The cookies she had made half an hour ago were now done, their heavenly smell in the air. It took her dad and brother seconds to wake up.

"Oh, now you're awake" She smiled, but still gave them some.

She put the rest in a basket, wrapping them in a handkerchief, and reached for the door.

"Dad, I'm going out" She said "I need to thank some people who helped me"

"Ok my darling" He got close and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"If you see Will, ask him if he wants to pair bunks" Nico told her.

She opened the door. The Sun shone outside.

"Ok! Bye!"

She went outside, taking a deep breath. Life felt... nice. Way too nice. 

She turned and giggled as she walked. Frank's address was embroidered in her mind, and it took her minutes to reach it.

She straightened her dress and knocked twice.

It was Frank's grandmother who opened the door. She was scolding, but smiled when she saw Hazel.

"Hazel! It's good to see you! How are you?"

"My mother is in a mental facility" She spat "But I now live with dad and my brother. It's surprisingly nice. I brought cookies"

She handed her the basket and smiled widely.

"Come in" The woman invited her "Clarisse has gone to the pharmacy, but she should be back in a minute. Frank's a bit under the weather, I must say."

Hazel stopped in her track. Frank was sick?

She grabbed the basket with strenght and looked up.

"Where is he? Can I see him?"

"Well... Yeah, I suppose. But don't get too close"

Hazel started walking to his room while she heard the woman mutter something around the lines of  'That boy... It's because he walked barefoot... Spends too much time on the phone... He had wet hair...'

She knocked softly and peeped inside.

"Hello?" She whispered "Can I come in?"

"Hazel?" A raspy voice asked.

She made her way inside and looked around. Frank was laying on the bed, pale and sickly looking. She did not doubt before sitting next to him.

"Hey... How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I could be better" He croaked "But I'm a tough guy"

Hazel placed her hand in his forehead gently.

"Hum... Sure thing." She nodded "You're burning up. Wait a second"

She grabbed a towel from a water bowl near his bedside and damped it before wiping his face and setting it in his forehead.

He let out a small sight and closed his eyes.

"I brought cookies" She whispered "They're still warm. Think you can try to eat without puking?"

He nodded and grabbed one. He gave it a small bite and quickly rethreated.

"It's nice" He croaked "But I don't think I'll manage to keep it down"

Hazel smiled sadly and pulled put his covers.

"Well, you should get some rest" She said "Tommorow's the big day. I'll leave you to it"

"No!" He said, grabbing her wrist "Please don't leave me. Talk to me"

Hazel placed her hand in his cheek. The fever was definetly making him delirate. Still, she sat again beside him.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked

"Anything. I just want to hear yout voice"

She let out a small laugh as to cover up her blushing.

"Well, I'll tell you about my life, then. My mother had been a burden my whole life. I just didn't want to see it. Bullying was hard, and having no confort was harder. Because if I wasn't safe at school, and my mother was passed out at home, where should I be?"

He settled under the sheets. She damped the cloth again.

"I have always known Nico, but mother does not want me having anything to do with dad's side of the family. So, when the opportunity arose, to dance without the need of spending my father's money or bothering mother, I went for it"

Frank was peacefully resting, but his eyes were still open.

"Dance had always been a part of me, no matter how hard I tried to hide it. Sure, it was risky. And I doubted I would get in. But what's life without a little risk? Sometimes life is risking everything for a dream only you can see"

He closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

"And I see... me. Just me, being who I am, doing what I love"

Hazel changed the cloth once more, and left him to rest.

As she was leaving, however, she turned around.

"Sweet dreams, Frank" She wished as she leaved the room.

She wondered what was that feeling that drowned her in the moment, as if she was in a rollercoaster that couldn't be stopped, perpetually doing more and more loopings.

But, she did know something. That feelings were caused by Frank Zhang.

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