26- You'll never shine throwing shade

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Hazel warmed up in the barre, doing frappés while chatting with Annabeth. Piper and Calypso arrived just then and got started too.

The scene was tense. The winner pair, the one who would have the honor to choose the song, the choreography and be the main dancers in the end of year performance, would be announced today.

Terpisichore entered the room, and they all took their spots at the barre. She did her usual greeting.

"First possition" There was a movement of feet and arms as everyone rushed to the possition "Second, third, fourth and rest in fifth"

Hazel stared at her feet. She was nearly sure she was doing it ok. She smiled.

"Great job, dancers. I have news for you"

She could feel everyone's shoulders tense. She grabbed her wrap skirt until her knuckles were white.

"I have to admit, there were a lot of good dancers. But, of course, only one can win. This pair has showed originality and skills choreographing, as well as knowing how to give feeling to the song. Without further ado, the winners are... Hazel and Frank!"

Hazel choked on her spit. Her? She'd won? 

She turned and saw Frank. He also looker overwhelmed, as if not believing his ears.


As soon as they were out of the studio, Calypso, Piper and Annabeth heaved her and took her to their room while holding her in midair.

"Guys, put me down!" She told  them, but it was no use.

"We need to choose a song!" Piper smiled "And we need celebration!"

"Anyone wants to go to the park?" Percy asked them, getting up.

No one said otherwise. They got dressed and leaved the place, running and smiling.

The park was a huge place, all green, witha great stage in the middle. They would use that one to perform.

So the eight friends got up the stage, excited. Hazel was practically bouncing, still not believing she'd done it.

Annabeth played some music at random, and they started dancing. It wasn't ballet nor jazz. It was just dancing, dancing to have fun. Dance was all they had in their veins, and they sure knew how to enjoy it.

While the song "Shake it off", by Taylor Swift, was playing, Piper noticed something off in the distance.

"Hey... Isn't that Drew?!" Her eyes opened wide.

Hazel rushed to take a look. Indeed, the students from the art school seemed to have decided to spend the day at the park as well. She reconized Rachel in the crown, too.

Calypso and the boys were a bit confused when Hazel, Piper and Annabeth started running towards them.

"DREW!" Piper screamed, jumping into the girl.

"Woah, relax sister" She smiled "Hi guys"

They all hugged tightly, laughing.

"How's fashion school?" Annabeth asked.

"A dream come true" She replied, her eyes shinning. "And dance academy?"

"Ask Hazel" Piper elbowed the latter "She seems to be eating it up"

"I just... I won a competition" She smiled, blushing "We'll do a performance here at the end of the year. Will you come to see?"

"Of course!" Drew smiled  "How would I miss it?"

The girls introduced Drew to the lot, explaining the tryouts andhow everything went that crazy weekend. Then, they danced again.

"You guys are amazing!" Drew said when she saw them dance.

"Being amazing makes me hungry" Leo said "Should we go and grab something?"

With the grocery money they were given, the part they had saved, they paid for some burgers at a bar and sat to eat.

"Oh my, this is so good!" Percy said as he devoured his food "All we eat is healthy stuff"

"Well, if you want other stuff you'll have to cook it yourself and I'll gladly eat it" Hazel replied

"It was just an idea" He raised his hands up in surrender, not before taking another huge bite of the hamburger.

"I'm going back to the stage, I think I lost a scrunchie" Hazel said, after looking for the missing hair tie.

"I'll go with you" Calypso offered.

"No, no, it's fine, don't worry" She got up "I'll be right back!"

Hazel ran back to the stage, climbed up the stairs and started looking. Her yellow scrunchie was in the floor. She sighted in relief before tying her hair back up in a bun.

Seing the empty stage, it seemed like a calling. She started to dance, inventing the choreography as she went, just dancing.

She closed her eyes as she spun and jumped, until she heard it.

"You just can't ressist being the centre of attention, can you?" A voice asked.

She opened her eyes and found Kelli in front of her.

"Kelli!" She exclaimed "I didn't think anyone would see"

"Lies" The girl got closer "All you want is to show the world you're oh so perfect, dancing with your heart and that kind of stuff"

"I don't knoww what you're talking abou-" She started, but was interrupted.


"Oh, well-" Hazel was interrupted again.

"And I'll have that. One was or another" Her eyes shone with envy as she got closer and closer.

"Kelli, listen. You'll never shine throwing shade. Maybe next year-" Hazel breathed quickly.

"NO! I WANT IT NOW!" She screamed 

And, without another word, she pushed her off the stage.

"Good luck dancing now" She smiled and leaved.

Hazel hit the ground, then rolled down and fell onto the pavement. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. She opened her eyes slowly and puked on the floor.

The bone in her right leg was quite literally out of her leg, snapped, blood pouring. She breathed heavily, not knowing what to do.

"Frank!" She screamed "Guys! Anyone!"

Her friends rushed to the scene only to find her like that.

"What happened?" Annabeth asked "Ok, keep calm. Someone call the emergency services"

"Kelli... Pushed... Me" Hazel panted "God, it hurts"

She stiffened a scream, muffling it with her fist as blood poured from her leg.

Hazel lost feeling until she didn't know where she was or what was happening. She was mildly councious of getting into an ambulance, of the noise. There was so much noise.

She was only awake in the ambulance ride. She opened her eyes, finding herself alone appart from a doctor.

"Will I...?" She started, stiffening herself "Will I ever dance again?"

"Dance?" The doctor asked, incredously "You'll be lucky if you ever walk again"

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