03 | Confusion

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After that incident... I decided it would be best if I take a walk.

Walks help, right? They always helped me. Before a huge exam, before a first date, before work. 

On my walk, I spot a little girl riding on her scooter, trying to get to her mommy.

She falls and cries, but can't get up. I speed up a bit to go to help her, and she kindly smiles as her mom thanks me.

"You want a kid, Lina?" I hear a voice behind me say, slowly creeping closer.

As he inches closer, I immediately know who it is, just from his smell. That disgusting cologne of his. 

Piece of shit Pedri.

"You know, I got baby fever from that." I can feel that grimacing smile.

"What are you hinting at Pedri? Want me to have your kids? Hm?" I finally turn around, huffing and puffing at this interaction. What the fuck does this man- no no, this boy want from me?

"Chill there little Mrs.Mad, I was just leaving your house. And only if you want to." He winks at me as I speed up to try and get away from him, but he only comes closer.

"Are you ignoring me on purpose? Was it something I said?" He sighs, looking at me up and down.

I finally respond with one word and one word only, because that's all I need to say.

"No. Okay? You can go now."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm not."


We walk in silence, the sound of the leaves crinkling by our footsteps being heard.

"Do you remember my birthday, Pedri?"

"Do you expect me to be normal after that?" I stop, trying to understand where he's coming from. He really can't be serious. 

"Why not?"

"Goodbye, Pedri. Come back to me when you'll understand."

"No, Lina come back. I don't understand. Help me understand."

He holds my hand, but I quickly retract &  speed walk back home as we already make a full circle around the neighborhood, stopping at our house.

~ 2 DAYS LATER  ~ 

- Ellinia -

I'm now sitting in my bed at 12:35 AM eating breakfast.

I need a job.

No wait, scratch that.

I need a life.

I open up my laptop to look at my emails to see if any companies answered back, looking for one specific company.


I hope I got the job because I've only applied to my top 3. Can you tell I'm an overachiever? 

I mean, that's how I got into NYU.

Anyways, I skim through my emails and I find the Barça one.

I open it, crossing my fingers and praying to god I got it.


Congratulations, Miss.Gavira!

You have successfully gotten the job as Football 23/24 Season Reporter!

As the first match starts THURSDAY, please arrive at the camp at 12:00 PM, so we can talk and I can answer any questions you may have!

Best Regards,

Director Lopez at FCB, HR

I sigh with content as a huge smile comes slowly upon my face, and I'm bursting with joy. I slap myself across the face, to make sure I'm not dreaming.

I soon regret that.

Everything I've worked for is in my hands now. All the tears, the mistakes, the bad thoughts were all worth it. 

I get up, get ready so I can head out to buy some formal clothes for the first day. As a Gavira, I have formal clothes for my parents gala's, and Pab's football meetings but nothing screams grown business women Gavira. 

This is my time to prove I'm more than just Pablo Gavira's twin sister.  

I did it, everything I've been working for this moment has paid off. It's real.

After I brush my hair and teeth and look somewhat alive, I call my mom to let her know I got the job.

I ring the phone 2 twice before she actually answers.

"Sorry Máma, were you doing something?" I can tell she's still in bed.

"No mami, I just didn't answer the phone the first 2 times because I was still half asleep, I still am." She says, groggily. I laugh at that missing my mom.

"Well Mamá, I called you to tell you I got the Barcelona job!"

I can tell she's jumping up and down, yelling through the phone.

"I knew you could do it sweetie! I'm so proud of you, Greg is as well. We love you amor. Wishing I was with you to express this happy day with you."

"Thank you Mamá, and that's alright. I'm coming to New York soon anyways, this time with Lo."

"Good, but wait, doesn't Pedri play there? Will you get to see him?"

Oh great heavens. Why is everyone stuck up with the guy? He's nothing special. 

"Yes, I probably will, but I hope I don't." I sigh, hoping she doesn't question me further.

"Why, what happened?"

Nothing you wouldn't want to know about Mamá. That's for sure.

"Nothing, nothing mama."

We talk for another 30 minutes as she has to go, so we both hang up.

I head downstairs to put my shoes on and drive out.

How was that chapter? Be honest LOL.

I haven't written a chapter in so long so I'm a bit rusty.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Bye my loves, see you next chapter 🤍

brother's best friend | Pedri GonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now