24 | Love Life

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Given the looks Pab & I are receiving, I would say that we look just a little bat shit crazy. 

But can you blame us, not once in these 10 years her & I have been friends, she has not once mentioned that her aunt and uncle was my ex's parents. 

She was good as hell as hiding it. 

Danya still hasn't said a word, all she does is smirk and put her arms over her new-founded Tía, and Tío. 

She grabs Pedri's arm, adding him to the frame. 

"Now, you have met the whole family."

"Almost all of the family." 

Gavi and I just send each other one more look of confusion, but then we accept it. 

Gavi rushes over to greet Pedri's parents, and his future aunt & uncle-in laws (we all know it, come on) as he didn't greet them when we walked in, the surprise taking over his mind.

After a while, Pedri's parents welcome us inside and shows us around their home and Pedri's childhood home. It's cute to think about how the same house he grew up in, he still frequently visits and his parents still live in. 

Of course, given that fact, then comes the tradition of showing baby photos. 

While Danya & Pedri's father, I soon figure out is Eduardo, helps prepare some coffee and pastries. 

His mother, Maria, sits us down on the flat couch and begins to ask us questions. 

"Sit, sit please. Now, please tell me. How are your mother & father?  Well, good I hope."

Ay, here we go.

"Yes, both are well, thank you for asking. They got divorced not too long ago, say 2 years almost.  It hasn't been easy, but it has done both of them well. Seeing them flourish at their age."

She nods, with slight confusion on her face. I don't blame her, my parents always looked like the happiest couple in the room. 

At least at that time. 

She looks over to Pab & I, she rubs her hands together and forms a new smile on her face.

"Ah, I understand. Now, tell me about the twins. How are you two doing?" 

This time, Pab takes the mic and talks first. 

"I've been amazing recently. With everything going smoothly at Barça, and my current living situation, with obviously the best person ever, 

Me, of course.

, and the pace I've been going at is really nice."

Since when did Pablo have such a way with words? 

It's not like he had to impress them, he already did. 

He's basically apart of the family. 

Now it's my turn.

"I'm so glad that life is going amazing for you, Pablo. I hope you don't mind me asking, but is there any special someone right now?" 

Mother goose gives the slightest side eye to her niece, although that soon turns into a square of side eyes. 

Danya looks at Eduardo, Eduardo looks at his son, and his son looks at me. 

Pab didn't give any weird looks or side eyes to his best friend, he must've not caught it. 

brother's best friend | Pedri GonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now