15 | Black Dress (F5)

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I slept so good last night, which is surprising because of the horrible thunder.

Why, you may ask?

I don't know myself.

I know Pedri slept in my bed last night, but we had a border.

We were separated.

I finally open my eyes and I smell Pedri's cologne all over me. I sit up, and I find the 'border' that was once between us was all over the floor.

And I was sleeping on Pedri's chest.

And his arm was over me.

He's so,

Comfortable and soft.

Is that weird?

I notice he's still sleeping soundly, and I return the favor by letting him stay sleeping while I get up and start my morning.

I don't want to get up. I love it here. I could stay there forever. 

I put on a sweatshirt and look outside my window and notice that it's nothing like yesterday's weather, yet gloomy, but a good gloomy. A right amount of gloomy.

I quietly close the door, and once I exit my room I see a tall man staring me down.

I jump and look at who it is.


"Jesus, Pab. You scared me."

He snorts and laughs at me,"I scared you? What is Pedri doing in your room, let alone sleeping soundly in it?"

"Cállate, Pab. He came into my room last night because he was scared from the thunder."

I know he's not going to fall for that because he knows of my fear that he constantly makes fun of.

Worth a shot though.

"BS, Elli. You were shitting your pants yesterday huh? Pedri came to save you, how cutee!"

"Pab, shut up. He knew I was afraid, so he wanted to keep me company." He wiggles his eyebrows at me & the over-protective brother facade he has soon turned into a playful face.

"Company, yes yes. I'm sure he kept you a lot of company." He winks at me before making his way to the bathroom.

"Hahaha, Pablo. You're funny. See, not even my own twin brother could come and help. Of course you would make fun of me."

"That's my job, Elli. I'm your brother. Pedri is your, boyfriend? But don't forget, I had him first."

"Ok I get it now. Shut up and tell me what you want for breakfast, Estúpido. And he's not my boyfriend."

He enters the bathroom before he yells out what he wants,


I shake my head at Pablo's banter and begin gathering the ingredients.

I finally finish making the crepe batter and get out all the toppings when a yawning boy walks into the living room.

"Slept well, Pedri?" I smile at him, waiting for him to open his eyes.

He finally rubs his eyes and smiles back, "Oh, good morning Lina. Yes, actually. Very well. And I kind of needed the company too."

I must be really good company for him to want company too.

"What do you mean?"

He walks closer to me, pretending to whisper.

"Don't tell your brother, but I have a fear of thunder too. Ever since I was little."

brother's best friend | Pedri GonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now