11 | Dreams (F1)

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"Pedri, Pedri don't leave please. Stay with me. I love you." 

"Lina, Lina I love you too. Be with me for-" 

"Elli? Elli? Wake up! It's time to go!" 

Elli? Pedri doesn't call me Elli?


"Elli wake your ass up and stop dreaming. How much you wanna bet it's about Pedri. Tell me, hm?" 

He winces, "Actually on second thought, don't tell me. It's probably something dirty." 

I rub my eyes together and try to make sense of my surroundings.

"Gavira #2 please, I just woke up. And no, it's not dirty and NOTHING about Pedri. Leave me alone. And time to go for what?" 

Half a lie. 

"The game silly, the one you're on for? Remember, your job & mine?" 

"Haha. I'm coming. Let me drink some coffee and I'll be ready." 

"Alright. You have an hour. Don't daydream anymore. Also, we have to talk about birthday plans. Ok bye."

He leaves my room and leaves me to think about my dream, and my last birthday. 

The day that changed everything. 

 ~ FLASHBACKS BEGIN: 5 months ago ~

I miss home. 

A lot. 

I miss my brother and my dad. 

But at least I have my mom.

And, I'm turning 19 soon. 

The big 1 9 . My last year as a teenager. 

I'm thinking about going to back to Spain for just a little bit, at least for my birthday day. But then, I have all of these assignments that need to get done and I have stuff to do here all the way in New York City. 

"Hey, El. Do you want to go run errands with me? You seem a little sad." Emmi, my roommate asks me when she sees me with a sad face sitting on the window bench. 

She's super sweet, and from Norway. There was a bit of a language barrier when she came, but her English is getting really good. 

"No thanks, Em. Just thinking about home."

"I get that, isn't it your birthday soon? If you aren't going back to Spain, we can definitely do something." 

I smile, in spite of her effort. "Thank you. I will definitely let you up on that offer if I don't." 

She smiles, and heads out the door. 

I take a deep breath and look at the condition outside, raining and gloomy like always. I go into my room and get cozy, possibly going to take a nap. 

I lay my head down, but I feel my phone buzz. 

It's Pab. 

I pick up the phone, confused. 

"Hey, Pab? Que te paso?" 

brother's best friend | Pedri GonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now