17 | Betrayal (F7)

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Pain. I feel nothing but betrayal.

I can't believe it.

Now, I don't know if it's the alcohol talking but,

Of course Pedri would do such a thing.

He's Pedri. 

I don't know what I was expecting. 

I thought we really liked each other.

Now, that sounds dumb & naive of me, but you would think after all of the tension and the awkwardness between us I thought he would really get the hint.

I mean, you see it too right?

You saw it too, right? 

We had just made out, having the time of our lives and I finally could claim the title of being Pedri Gonzalez's girlfriend

I was happy. 

But with that comes a price.

Seeing him kiss another girl after kissing me breaks my heart.

After I saw that and the wicked smirk on the girls face, I left the club.

Tears still running from my face, I try to get as far away as I can from there until I hear a voice behind me.

"Elli,wait,wait up!"

I stop to see who it is, and thank god it's not Pedri but it's Pab.

He finally catches up to me and also tries to catch his breath,

"What's wrong hermana?"

I finally turn my face to him and start sobbing once I see him,

"Pedri. Pedri is what happened."

Pab starts getting angry, but doesn't say anything of the sort yet.

"What did he do?"


"Well, we, shouldn't we walk home first?"

"Phew. I'm so glad you want me to go with you. I mean, it's not like I would have let you walk home by yourself."

I send him a small smile, "Thank you, Gavira #2."

"Now, the walk is not short. Continue your gossip about my best friend."

It ended up being perfect, because by the time we got to the apartment, I got to fill him in about everything, and I mean everything.

I even tell him about my crush I had (still have) on him when I was younger.

It's time for me to open up if I want to heal, even if I heal in privacy.

"Wow. I never knew it was that deep, Elli. He's my best friend sure, but I'll beat him up right now if you want me to."

I smile at him, "Thank you Pab. And, I might take you up on that offer if he tries to talk to me."

We share a laugh and then hug each other, and I can already feel how much I'm going to miss his hugs.

"I'm going to miss you Pab, you know that right?"

He lets go from the hug, still gripping onto my shoulders & gasping,

"Oh my, is the Ellinia Gavira showing emotions!?! Is she not the heartless queen I once shared a womb with?"

I send him a 'shut up' look before he sends one back,

brother's best friend | Pedri GonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now