20 | Islas Canarias

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I slept for a good hour since Pedri & I last spoke.

I was then woken up by Pedri's favorite song and him singing along.

I wipe my eyes to try and wake me up, and then I yawn which alerts Pedri.

He looks over at me and then smiles, "Well, good morning sleepyhead. I see you slept well." 

"Mm, yes. I always fall asleep the best on car rides. Now tell me, where are we going that's this far?" 

He laughs, but still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Can't tell you yet, my love. You'll know when we get there. We have a good hour left, and we didn't stop at all."

I yawn again, and the check my phone for the time and any important notifications.

Nothing that important. 

I look out the window and I see palm trees and sand on thee side of the road.

What did I say, Pedri knows me well.

I finally am awaken when I'm hit by a wave of breeze, and it's freezing. 

I try to look around for some sort of heat outlet, and there's nothing.

Curse you Pedri and your green Mini Cooper.

Before I even notice myself shivering, Pedri notices first.

He looks over at me and sees the goosebumps on my arms.

"Lina, are you cold? Here, take my jacket. Please." 

"It's alright Pedri, we are almost there anyway."

"No. here. take it."




"Yes, you will. Callate por favor, the driver needs concentration if we want to get there safely."

I stare at him for a couple of minutes, but he doesn't look back. 

He just grins.

"Stop grinning will you?"

"Not until you put that coat on."

I growl under my tongue and put the jacket on, 

and instant comfort. 

It's not only warm, but still smells like Pedri.

I'm never giving this back.

I look over at him and he stopped grinning, as per request. 

It stays silent for a while, and then Pedri resumes his music while I scroll on social media to kill time.

I'm woken up yet again by someone shaking my shoulder and yell-whispering my name.

"Lina, Li wake up! We are finally here. Welcome to my home, Islas Canarias."

I wipe my eyes and look at the sign that we are about to pass, 

Canary Islands.

I knew Pedri was from the Canary Islands, and while Pab & I were born far away from that, Pablo always tagged along with Pedri when it came to traveling here. 

He always brought back souvenirs and raved about how gorgeous it was, and I get excited.

This instantly reminds me of when Pablo was telling about how Pedri was going to visit his parents back in Canary one time, and I'm guessing this is that one time.

brother's best friend | Pedri GonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now