Chapter 5; If I Punch You In The Face, Will You Remember?

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Kandace didn’t know what Emey’s deal was. Ben was good-looking, tall, and mysterious. There was nothing about him that wasn’t desirable. But every time she told Emey this, she was faced with a fake puking sound.

Ben continued to walk around with a blank face and Emey continued to ignore it. In the last two periods of math, Kandace found out that that the kid was smarter than he looked. He was like a walking calculator. While most of the class was sitting and pressing buttons into the machine, he would take a quick glance at the board and automatically yell out the answer. Her interest in him continued to grow.

Mrs. Harrison, their Geography teacher, proposed a project for the class. And after the class stopped groaning and moaning, she continued and told them that he would chose the groups personally. More moans and groans. She sighed and started to assign the groups.

When she came to Ben, she didn’t know what to do. The boy had only moved into the school today and probably had no idea what was going on. In order to help him keep up, she decided that he needed a partner who was already quite ahead.

She looked at Kandace and at Mitchie and realized that neither of them were friendly enough to warm up to the new kid. She knew Mars was struggling especially on this topic and would already have a hard time working with herself. So the choice came down to Emey and Natalie.

‘Emey, I want you to work with Ben.’

Emey’s eyes almost popped out of her head. Natalie snickered as Emey nodded sadly in defeat.

And with that, Mrs. Harrison spent the rest of the period droning on about the projects details.

The bell rang and lunch break began.

The class immediately split up into the usual cliques. Emey stormed out of the classroom in pure red rage and her friends followed her, slightly amused. The girls headed for their lunch table and prepared for Emey’s rage to come out of her mouth.

Emey was preparing herself for the same. She had so much on her mind and so many things to say.

And yet, all of those things flew away when she caught  four individuals arguing their lives away. She gasped, and almost screamed from happiness.

‘Rin, Len, is that you?’ she laughed as she ran towards them. The blondes stopped their bickering and turned towards her. The Rin’s face lit up as she saw Emey, and she immediately ran in for a hug. The Emey’s friends looked confused. Len just stood there .

‘I  can’t believe it’s you! I haven’t seen you guys in what, three years?’ Emey sighed, laughing giddily.

‘Oh God, yeah! Ever since we left for Japan,’ Rin answered. She looked back at Len. ‘Well, aren’t you gonna say hi, dumbass?’

‘I’m not going to take that kind of shit from you!’ Len raged, pointing an accusing finger at his twin. Rin stuck out her tongue and Emey laughed.

‘You guys are still the same! I swear, it’s like nothing’s changed!’

Rin laughed in response then looked at her companions, a tall blond boy and a Latino looking girl. Mitchie gasped in realization and Rin winked at her. She then looked back at Emey.

‘Do these two look familiar to you, Ems?’

Emey looked at the pair and shook her head.

‘Uh-uh. Don’t think so.’

‘What about the name Alice? Or Oz?’

‘Like, in Wonderland and Wizard of?’ Emey replied awkwardly.

The Latino stepped forward and glared at Emey. She glanced at Mitchie, who gave her a shaky wave, and then looked back to Emey.

‘You don’t remember me,’ she stated in question.

‘Uh, am I supposed to?’ Emey asked warily.


‘Uh, well, no, sorry,’ Emey shrugged. Alice’s features twisted in anger. Emey didn’t like the face she was making and made sure to be on guard.

‘If I punch you in the face, will you remember?’ Alice snarled. Emey pouted and backed away a step. Before she could answer, Alice’s fist swing at her face. Emey grabbed the hand midair and twisted it behind Alice’s back. She closed in on Alice’s face, making the girl cower.

Don’t fuck with me,’ she hissed and let the girl go. Alice staggered backwards and Oz chuckled lightly at the pout on her face. Len shook his head in Emey’s direction.

‘Still as violent as ever, I see,’ he mused. Emey gave out a loud ‘hmph’ and turned her head away. She grabbed Rin’s hand and stormed off into the opposite direction. Mitchie rolled her eyes and signalled the others to follow.

‘I hope you haven’t killed anyone, Princess!’ he called out to Emey, who stopped at the sound of the line. She turned her head and glanced at him over her shoulder.

‘Maybe I have,’ she replied with a grin. ‘What’s it to you?’

And with that, she continued forward, away from the group.

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