Chapter 8; Getting to Know Her Smile

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Emey didn’t know what to do. She didn’t understand, and honestly, she didn’t really want to.

But it was kind of hard to feign ignorance when the person she was trying to ignore was sitting literally only three inches away from her.

Ben and his friends and ‘family’ were apparently quite close to her own. In fact, they just discovered that Mylo is the cousin of both Emey and Ben. And so they all sat at the table, all 14 of them.

‘Aw, do you remember when he –‘

‘Oh yes, and when Emey – ‘

‘Aw, that was so cute!’

‘They grow up too fast!’

‘Can you pass me the ketchup?’

Emey groaned quietly. She wasn’t told about this reunion dinner, so when her parents told her to get ready, she barely had enough time to change her shirt . And now, she was having withdrawal symptoms. Her hands were breaking out into sweat and her head was spinning. She desperately needed something to take her mind off this madness. She took her glasses off, put them back on, re-adjusted her braid, and finally just sat there, shaking her leg.

Next to her, Ben just sat and watched her the whole time; her reaction to the dinner and the fact that everybody except her knew  each other, her nervously twirling a lock of her hair, biting  her lip, trying to find interest in the dull coloured table cloth, and watched her clench and unclench her hands, realizing that her hands were hoping to grab hold of something that will help her calm down. He lifted his left hand off of his lap and gently tapped her right.

Emey was shocked and actually slightly happy for the gesture, but knew that there was no way she’d ever show it. She looked up at him, exasperated, with a fake pout and furrowed eyebrows, quietly hissing ‘what?’.

He whispered back, ‘Are you okay?’ She shrugged.

‘Fine. Why?’

‘You seem a little on the edge. Bored?’


As she said this, she noticed his eyes glint in a sort of amused manner, even thought not a single muscle lifted to present a smile. He reached into the inside picket of his hoodie and brought out what seemed to be headphones. Before she could ask what he was doing, he plopped the headphones on her head and started scrolling through a list of what she guessed were songs.

After about thirty seconds of watching him do this, Ben chose a song and Emey realized that she was sitting next what the world would call ‘an ultimate hipster’.

But at least his music was good.

Emey sat for a while, simply mesmerized by the sound. Soon enough she could feel the colours around her shifting and a light-violet mist cloud over her eyes. She was in a dream-state – one that sadly ended within about 2 minutes due to the fact that the song was finished. She pulled down the headphones.

‘Did you like it?’

Emey nodded. ‘But it was so short!’

‘Yeah, I know. I’m working on it. But I just wanted some feedback on it as it is now.’

She was dumbfounded. ‘You make music?’

‘Is it that surprising?’

Emey’s face went completely red. They paused, looking at each other for a bit, then looking away. They tried to focus back on to the conversation at the table, but after a while, Emey grabbed his phone and started scrolling through until she found a song called ‘Parade into Centuries’.

‘Is this one complete?’

‘Yeah. I finished it about a year ago.’


And so they spent the whole dinner discussing music.

On the way back to their respective homes, Rin and Oz giddily watched Emey and Ben playfully argue over music.

Dubstep is not music!’

‘What do you mean it’s not music?! You make Dubstep!’

‘I don’t make music, I make noise!’

Noise is not meant to sound that amazing!’

And so on.

Oz leaned over to Rin and whispered, ‘when do you think they’ll get together?’

As Rin was about to reply, Ben turned around and flipped his best friend off.

I can hear you, remember?!’

Jade, Mylo’s aunt, and Emey’s parents were staring at the children in shock. Jade sighed and shook her head as they approached their neighbourhood. The group came to a stop and every one said their good-byes.

As Ben saluted Emey, he noticed the angry, frustrated look on her face had disappeared and for the first time in ages, she actually smiled.

Not just anywhere or at anyone.

She smiled at him.

Author's Note; Hi guys, sorry, this was sort of a filler chapter. But I hope you are ready to get depressed in the next one. Please stay with me! 

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