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 It was a normal day in Tulsa, Oklahoma. One girl, Lets call her dior. Was walking down the street to meet up with her friend. Lets call her Addie. (You two Idiots! Stop reading wattpads) Dior was walking looking through the windows of stores alongside of the sidewalk when she came into contact with someone or something. She falls onto the ground. When she opens her eyes. She sees someone crouched next to her reaching to help her up. She looked up to see a young boy who looked no older than 16 or 17. Dior grabbed his hand and he helped pull her up.

"Thanks." She says, now stable on her feet.

"It's nothing, I should be apologizing." He said back.

Dior finally got a good glimpse of the boy. He had dark gold hair and brown eyes and he was quite handsome.

"Uh, it's fine," Dior said.

"What's your name?" The boy asked.

"It's dior, and yours?" Dior responded.

"My name is sodapop curtis." He said.

"Well that's an odd name," Dior blurted out rudely.

"Not as odd as my younger brother's name." Sodapop laughed.

"Huh. What's his name?" Dior said out of curiosity.

"Ponyboy." Sodapop said.

With that, dior started laughing. Hahaha I bet he's ugly. Dior thought to herself

(I forgot to mention that this is after the incident but everyones still alive)

"He's 14, how old are you?" Sodapop said curiously.

"I'm 13." Dior said.

"Oh? Not to younger than my brother.😏" Sodapop said, getting out a piece of paper.

"Uhm, Sodapop. What are you doing?" Dior said, looking over his shoulder.

"Giving you our address in case you ever want to meet pony." Sodapop said.

Dior blushed and siad, "I just met you and I've never met your brother."

"Then come over..."

With that, sodapop waved bye and headed to the DX gas station where he was working. I completely forgot what I was doing. Dior thought to herself. That's when it hit her. Oh shit...

Addie! She started speed walking to the nearby dinner where they were supposed to meet. When she got there, she saw a very angry Addie, eyeing her.

"Hi." Dior said, sitting down.

"Where were you?" Addie says, trying to calm herself down.

"About that. I ran into some guy on my way here and we talked for a bit then he gave me his address."

"Ooh~" Addie says, raising her eyebrows up and down.

"Chill, it's not for the reasons you think. He just has a brother that's similar to my age."

"A brother, huh?😏" Addie says, still raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah." Dior said, drinking the strawberry milkshake she had ordered.

"We should go tonight." Addie says.

"What?! No." Dior yelled.

"Yes. He trusted you enough to give you his address. But I'll go for safety reasons."


So they agreed to go that night. When they got home, (They live in the same house.) Addie flopped on their couch to watch some Mary Poppins, While Dior got ready for the night.

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