II. Im Good

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" I'm Good! "

The blonde girl couldn't get over the smell of the place. As she lurched along with the line, she gagged on the mix of unwashed bodies, mildewed stone, and stinking wolves. Let's call her Blonde, Blonde stood on her tiptoes to see where the line was headed, but all she could see was an endless parade of freaks.

The other students threw her dirty looks but something caught her eye, a student who seemed to have a soft expression at her, she responded with her kindest smile, in case this was all a test. It had to be a test or glitch or joke or something. She turned to a gray wolf. "Not that I question your authority, but might I see the School Master? I think he—" The wolf roared, soaking the little girl with spit. Blonde didn't press the point.

= time skip =

Celeste wasn't sure why the six wolves needed to punish that poor girl instead of one, but she assumed it was to make point. She eavesdropped on them and saw they bounded her to a spit, stuffed an apple in her mouth, and paraded her like a banquet pig through the six floors of Malice hall.

Talk about Malice hall, Celeste found out she had the same room as her. She quickly went pass Rooms 65, 66, 67 wait a minute, no, go back to Room 66. Celeste opened the door to Room 66 and closed it, mostly slammed the door shut. But then the door opened again and it hit Celeste's back.

Blonde skidded until her face smacked into a warted foot. "I told you we'd get her." said a sour voice. Still tied to the spit, both the girls looked up at a tall girl with greasy black hair streaked with red highlights, black lipstick, a ring hooked around her nose, and a terrifying but an interesting tattoo of a buck-horned, red-skulled demon around her neck.

( e.o : Celestia doesn't have to look up, she's the same height as Hester *please don't comment your height )

The girl glare at the blonde, black eyes flinting. "She evens smells like an Ever." Celeste stepped forward. "Trust me, she does not." Celeste said in her sarcastic, sassy voice. The tattooed girl averted her gaze at the split haired girl standing right before her. "Look at this one." the girl licked her teeth and looked her up and down like she was a prize.

"The fairies will retrieve it soon enough. That one," said a voice across the room. The girls swung their head to an albino girl with deathly white hair, and hooded red eyes, feeding stew from a cauldron to three vicious black rats that hissed softly. "Pity. We could slit its throat and hang it as a hall ornament." she sneered.

"How rude." said a third. Celeste sighed heavily, "How many people are in this room? What, 8?" resting one hand on her hip. Both of the girls swiftly move their head to a smiley brown-haired girl on the bed, round as a hot air balloon, chocolate ice pop in each stumpy fist. "Besides, it's against the rules to kill other students."

"How about we just maim her a bit?" asked the albino. "I think she's refreshing," said the plump one, biting into the ice pop. "Not every villain has to smell and look depressed." she said. "She's not a villain." the albino and the tattooed girl snapped in unison. As she wriggled from her ropes, Blonde craned her neck up and had her first full view of the room.

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