IX. Totally Not Sneaking Behind the Walls

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" We're totally not sneaking behind the walls, "

"Can you stop following me?!"

Celeste was surprised by the loud booming voice. She was following around this particular man, trying to tell the man something before she wanted to say. The hooded man turned around and faced the girl. Her eyes watered and she stared at the hooded figure in the disbelief. The hooded man widened his eyes but before he could apologize, Celeste ran away, turning sharply around corners.

Nevers always hurt and attack. Celeste shouldv'e known that by now. But she didn't— that's not bad, right?

Anyways, Celeste would usually scream that to a creep's face, but this time, she wasn't the one who said that. It was a bad-postured, long-nosed, Never. The kind of person who would be obsessive with two girls, one of the opposites. He had been chasing the wrong girl this whole time, ignoring the girl who's been there for him since the first day of school.

Hort, the first year in the black hood who shrieked in Celeste's face. Hort, the first year who could barely transform into a man-wolf. Hort, the first year who loved Sophie than loving Celeste. May you ask why he yelled at Celeste?

=fast time-skip=

Celeste. Celeste. Her name rang in her head, replaying like a video-tape. She jolted out of her zoning point and looked at the person who was calling out her name. "Celeste!" Hort yelled out. The whole Uglification classes' head swiveled to the obsessive weasel, glowering at him. Hort's face turned pink out of embarrassment.

Celeste ignored Hort out of anger. Ever since that lesson with Lady Lesso, Hort never spoke to her again. This made her go mad and frustrated. But now Hort wants her attention?

"Pssstt! Celeste!" Hort whispered to her as the splintering noise of the floating white chalk was writing tips of bringing Ugly to the world. "Get to the damn point already, Scourie!" Celeste's head immediately snapping to Hort. Hort was taken back by her action and smiled crookedly, Celeste grimacing in the result.

But his smile was reeking of an old memory, not attention from Celeste.

"Meet me at 6:00 pm, at The School for Evil Edification and Pr-"

"I know what the school is called!" Celeste whisper-yelled angrily, clearly impatient. Professor Manley turned around and looked at Hort who was leaning his chair sidewards to chat with Celeste.

"Hort! Pay attention or I'll grab the wolves to throw ya in the Doom Room! Do ya want that?!" Professor Manley yelled. Hort stiffened and slumped into his seat, mumbling a 'yes'. When Professor Manley went back to lazily teaching with slimy green goo and dead flies, Hort leaned his chair sideways to Celeste. He threw a note onto her table.

IGNORING HIM || HORT HOOK/SCOURIE X  OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now