A/N #2

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Hey, lovely strangers! <3

I know I haven't written awhile since I borrowed a library book of the School for Good and Evil instead of buying it, BUTTTTTT....
I'm going to keep writing it! It may have very slow updates since I can only write on my device on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays!

I may write and copy (I can't think of writing it myself sadly) it down from the online books but I'll try to update for you little pookies. I've been busy with school (I'm not in college guys) and I have not super strict parents that don't allow me to have my electronics on the week days. If you'll support me during my writing, I'll be very glad to keep my motivation up!

Also, I may be releasing some new books that aren't even related to my favorite genres. I'm that odd.

(This part you can stop reading at if you want <333)

Goodbye my pookies!

m0rg4nic chocolate <3

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